March 29

Dennis Oehler Blog Post

Dennis Oehler came for learning from our differences. The program is about people who have disabilities and we learn about their lives and how their lives are different than ours.

He had an accident and lost his leg. Then he went to the Paralympics, sports for people who have disabilities. He said ” The Paralympics changed my life.”

It was an amazing presentation!!!       

March 13

Colonial America Book

I had to make a book on colonial america and on a topic. I chose plantations. It was fun researching and putting it all together.

It was tough First, I chose my topic then  I had to to do research next I went and drafted A chapter on paper I wrote the entire chapter then I edited it on my computer and repeated it on all the chapters. Then I worked on the pictures. It was not as tough to get the pictures. Then I worked on my glossary. Then My bibliography. Finally  I copied all of it to my book.

My favorite part was putting it into slides because we got to put pictures and change the font.

I learned that If i put work into my writing, my writing can turn out pretty good!

I really Liked researching and writing the book. It was a great Experience It was fun The researching part was nice the writing part was ok the typing part was Great!!! It Was a great learning experience.

If I were to do this again I would put more time into research because then I would have more facts to put into my book.    

I hope you like my Book!