May 4


The Ocean Ecosystem

            The Ocean is like another world it holds more than 230,000 lifeforms and takes up more than 73% of the earth’s surface. It flows freely through canals and straits. It has interesting facts like every 50 pounds of ocean water there is 1.75 pounds of salt.


             There are many oceans in the world like the indian, pacific,atlantic  they hold producers consumers and decomposers. Producers are living things that produce their own food!!!  An Example of a producer is seaweed. Consumers are broken up into Primary consumers and secondary consumers. One primary consumer is tuna. One secondary consumer is A whale. Decomposers are microorganisms that breakdown dead bodys. One example of a decomposer is bacteria.


                 I said earlier that there are many facts about the ocean here are a few of them. All the water in the world makes up the hydrosphere.  Another fact is that the pacific ocean is 166 million square mi wide, Its the biggest ocean. The atlantic ocean is 41 million square mi wide. Oceans are separated into 3 zones The daylight zone, the twilight zone and the midnight zone.  


                 The ocean is a special place. All life started in the oceans and there are still species that live there. Oceans are special because they have many fascinating and mysterious creatures and plants like the giant squid! It is a very mysterious creature. I think oceans are an amazing place!



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Posted May 4, 2018 by dkaplan26 in category 4th Grade, Science

2 thoughts on “Oceans

  1. aazpiazucabassa26

    What I liked about your blog post was that I don’t know much about the ocean. something I learned was I never knew any producer in the ocean one producer I didn’t know was phytoplanktop. Another thing I didn’t know was any decomposers. a decomposers are microoganisms. 1 thing that suprised me was the pacific ocean was 166 mi wide. that got me out of my seat.

  2. asharp26

    Great post! Something that surprised me was in every 50lbs of ocean water, there is 1.75lbs of salt! Two things I learned were the Pacific ocean is 166 million square miles wide and the Atlantic 41 million square miles wide


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