June 20

Blog Post 7 Capstone Reflection

Now that Capstone is complete, I think it was a great experience overall.  However, there were definitely some parts of the process that I found boring.  For me, the best part of the project was selecting images for the slides and making the slide show presentation.  One other thing I enjoyed about Capstone was writing the script. It was fun writing the script because it was finally putting all my information together and it was fun writing it in a way that I could express it to other people.  I also really liked the interview. I got 70% of my information from my interview. I think it was cool to ask questions and record it and then listen back to it and put the information from that interview on paper. I also liked writing the questions.  I was able to ask a person the things I really wanted to know without having to look in a book or read an article. Don’t get me wrong, I liked reading up on my topic, but I found the idea of meeting someone live much more fun and informative.

The most challenging part of Capstone has been the process of memorizing the script.  I have read my script like 15 million times. Even the most interesting topic (such as how technology has effected our understanding of planetary science) can become boring after reading it so much.  In general, memorization is not my thing, so this was doubly challenging for me. It was actually the worst thing of the entire process. Although I really liked my topic and thought it was cool, I found the research part pretty boring too.  After researching one topic for so long it gets so boring going through the information that you already found to find new stuff to add to the pile. It may seem easy, taking information and writing it down, but putting it in your own words was the hard part for me.   

Overall, I really think that Capstone has been an amazing experience.  It had its good parts and it had its challenges. I hope I can take my knowledge from this experience forward into middle school.  Specifically, learning how to research a topic and putting my work into a speech.


Posted June 20, 2019 by dkaplan26 in category 5th Grade, Capstone

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