March 28

The Revenge of the Tin Can

“Stop it your squishing me” said the straw twins “get off me” said plastic spoon “stop fighting” said tin can I know your all a little squished ( “a little!” moaned old computer) but are evil plan is working we are growing bigger and we are conquering more and more ocean then ever before.” Suddenly they saw something “oh no” they all said “it’s Batman” and they were right coming down from the sky was batman with a trash bag.” Batman scooped up as much trash as the trash bag could carry including the tin can and set off in his bat boat. “Oh no” said tin can “my plans have been foiled again literally stop eating my plans tin foil!” Batman put them into the garbage can and they were never seen again. OR WERE THEY BUM BUM BUUU!!!!!!!!!

Posted March 28, 2018 by eschiff26 in category story

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