Eye crafts

Eye crafts are a new really fun art project! It’s a simple, easy, fun, and is very quick. 

What you’ll need:

  • yarn
  • 2 sticks (Popsicle sticks are more easy to use)

here are the instructions from PBS:

Knot the end of the yarn to the sticks, close to the intersection of the sticks. Wrap the yarn around the stick then follow onto the next stick, wrapping it around and continuing on around the cross until the yarn reaches the end and then tie it off. Continue knotting on weaving threads until the sticks are full.

How to make slime!

Kids all around the globe are making slime, but there are still people who don’t know how to make it. Here in this article I am going to teach you how to make fluffy slime without borax! You can also add beads or styrofoam to give it some crunch!


Here’s what you’ll need to make fluffy slime:

A mixing bowl

A stirring tool

Contact solution

Shaving cream or gel

Glue (depending on how much slime you want)

(optional) Beads or Styrofoam


Instructions :

To start off pour your glue into your bowl. Then you’re going to add 4 squirts of shaving cream. Then mix it together. Add  contact solution until it’s not sticking to your mixing tool. Mix it all together. Start kneading it with your hands and playing with it and if it’s still sticky then add more contact solution. Keep on playing with it until it’s not sticking to you. Ta-da! Your slime is all ready to play, squish, or squeeze!


Kids in Scarsdale and all over the world have developed a love for slime. Some of the 5th grade classes use slime in many ways such as focus tools, stress balls, and many more. Some people like stress balls because you don’t get sticky. The slime is put into a balloon and funneled inside. Then the balloon is tied and you have a stress ball.

To make slime you need glue, borax, and water. You mix them altogether and you have slime. Making slime is so popular that glue has been very scarce in Scarsdale! Rite Aid is out. Some kids say that they have to go to other towns or online shopping for glue. There have been many “slime companies” around Scarsdale, such as Slime.CO, Scarsdale Slime Guys, Squish and Slime, etc. So if your kid is looking for a new hobby. Buy him a gallon of glue, borax and let the fun begin!