Why Strong After-School Programs Matter In Low Income Areas

Hi Guys,

There are many reasons that low income communities are helped by after-school programs. After-school programs help prevent latch key children, unsupervised children, juvenile crime, and excessive screen usage. After-school programs give kids homework help and life skills that they may not get at home.  The younger children get help with homework and get to do a fun activity. At most clubs teens do those things too but they also learn about life skills (like dealing with money and staying out of crime). For example at the Boys and Girls Club of Mount Vernon the teen have their own room. They are able to help the younger kids with their homework, do their own, learn life lessons, and just talk with their friends. The younger kids do their homework and then get to go through many wonderful activities. The club is a great place for all kids just like all other after-school programs. Kids enjoy it as well,they get an encouraging environment and have even said that  they don’t want to go home which is good and bad at the same time. It is good because they are having a good time, but it is bad because things might not be good at home.

Bye guys I will be blogging about this more. I hope you find it as interesting as I do!

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