Final Rube Goldberg Machine

My experience designing and testing my machine was frustrating at some times, but in the end when it worked, I was amazed and it looked super cool. My favorite part about the process was testing it because each time I tried, it got closer and closer to working. I had to make adjustments a lot but it still worked how I wanted it to. Making the video was pretty easy though because I had already filmed all of the clips, so I just needed to put them together in my video and then I was done. This project was fun to do and I learned a lot about what a Rube Goldberg is.

Here is my final video:

Designing the Machine and Testing the Design

Designing my Rube Goldberg was challenging. I had to find good materials to build my machine and that wasn’t easy since I needed a specific material and I couldn’t find it for a while. It was frustrating to set up my machine because the ball that I used in one part of it kept on rolling away from where I put it. At first I was going to make the ball be hit by dominoes and then roll into a can, but I realized that is wouldn’t work since the dominoes wouldn’t hit the ball with enough force. So, instead of the ball rolling into a can, I made it fall into one. I kept on recording my fails until on the 12th try, it worked! I was very happy that it was over because it took me about 2 hours.

Here is my first sketch: