Read aloud Reflection – Wonder – 1

This Read Aloud is the 1st in a series of posts about the book Wonder.


We started a book called Wonder. It is  is a great book so far. I think Julien is mean to Aggie because he looks diffrent. I know because Julien compared him to Dark Citience  because both of there faces are deformed. I think that Charllet is nice to Aggie because she tells Julien to stop when he was being mean and she also waved to him. I also think Jack Will is nice because he also told Julien to stop and he sat next to Aggie even thiugh no one else wanted to sit next to him. I think that Julien will be really mean but Aggie will be friends with Jack. I think that because Jack was standing up for Aggie when Julien was being mean. I also think that Charllet and Aggie won’t really play together because Aggie thought that Charllet talek to much and that Charllet was kind of being a show off.


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