Spreadsheets 1

I chose Hawaii. Hundreds of different seashells can be found in Hawaii’s waters. Some questions that I have for Hawaii, are: How big is Hawaii? The answer to this question, is 28,313 sq. Km. My next question, is how many people live in Hawaii right now? The answer to this question, is 1,415,872 people!  Next, how much of the population is under 18 years old ? The answer to this question is, 21.2 %! I looked up information, about how many people in this country are under 18 years old? The percent for the whole United States, was 22.3% of people are under 18 years old. The most amount of people under 18 years old, is Utah with 29.0 %. The least amount of people under 18 years old, is Washington D.C, which has 18.2 % of people under 18. I learned, that the Yankees had their least amount of home runs in 1913. Dogs are the most common household pet and cats have the highest population. Gerbils are the least amount of household pets, and have the least population.

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