Technology blog post #2

This week, we had to make truss bridges. We had the option to do it from paper and tape, or toothpicks and something sticky that will hold the toothpicks. I used mini marshmallows and toothpicks.

When I built mine, it was leaning a lot and it was not very stable. by the time I picked it up, it had already fallen apart. Right when I put the first book on to my truss bridge, it collapsed. I think this because my structure was very hollow, and that made it fall apart. I also think that I should have used big marshmallows. I think this because they might have had more support to hold up the structure, then the mini ones.

Technology blog post #1

In technology, we learned about how some things in history failed because they used the wrong materials. For example, the Titanic sank, because the wrong material was used. They thought that the Titanic would be a great ship that was unsinkable. It hit an iceberg and since they used the wrong material for the ship, it sank.

Also, the dee bridge broke when its first train went across it. This is because like the Titanic, they used the wrong material.

Another example that we learned, is about the Challenger. It was a rocket, except the night before taking off, it was freezing outside. This led to the gas leaking out of the rocket, and part of the rocket freezing! They took off anyways though, and the rocket exploded.