Music Video

I think a challenge in my music video, was getting all of the sprites back to their normal position whenever I start the video over. I still want to figure out, how you can change one sprite to t he next one, but making it start over every time. Some projects that I likes, were the ones with music, and sound effects. I liked these, because I think that the music was a good part that made it better.

Capstone blog post #3

For the final CapStone project, you either have to do an ignite, a video, a screencastify, or a ted talk. I am doing screencastify. I chose this because I wanted to do a Ted Talk, but we don’t have the thing on our TV that connects to google slides. A screencastify is on the computer, and your slide show is on the screen. You are in a box in the corner, talking about your topic. 

What I enjoyed most about making the final project, is that I learned so many new things. I have been to Disney World a lot, and I never knew some of the things that I learned well I was researching my topic. For example, I never knew that there was a suite at the top of Cinderella’s castle. Also, I never knew that Walt Disney originally wanted to make a city, not a theme park.

Some challenges that I had, was getting pictures. I could not find some pictures that I needed that were labeled for re-use. For example, I could not find a picture of the Birthday cake overlay that they put on the castle. After searching up lot’s of different things, I finally found one. The only problem was that it was blurry. This happened with some other I of the pictures that I needed, too.

I am looking forward to sharing my final project because everyone watching it will get to learn a lot of new information that they never knew about Disney world. Thank you Renee Morehead for a very helpful interview.

Here is the link to my capstone video.

Capstone blog post #1

Capstone is a very big topic in 5th grade. I wanted to choose a topic that I will be really interested in and I would enjoy Researching. My Capstone topic is Disney World. My main inquiry question is, how Disney World evolved over time and why? I think it was not that hard coming up with sub-questions because Disney World has a lot of history and its really big. I think that helped because there was a lot to write about Disney World. I have been to Disney World many times before, and that helped me choose my main inquiry question because I knew the parks and rides and other things that they have in Disney World. For example, I know what the Disney castle looks like because I have seen so many times before. That helped me with my question because I already know a little about my topic so that might help me when I am researching. Something challenging when I was choosing my main inquiry question was I did not know if I would be able to find research about Disney World when it first opened, all the way up until now. I did not think that there would be research of all the years that Disney World was open, or I didn’t know if any resource would have the answer to why all those changes were made. 


What I have learned about myself is that I can be an independent learner and research something that I am interested in. For example, I am interested in Disney World, so I chose Disney World as my topic, and now I get to do research on something that I am interested in.

A Long Walk To Water reflection

In class, we read a book called “A Long Walk to Water.” I think the part of the book that impacted me the most was when Salva was the one who was leading building the well. I think this because Salva went off walking when he was a young boy. He had no family or friends to help him. He was growing up along the way. He was walking and went from alone in a small group to leading a big group of  boys. 


I think the message the author wanted to show was not to give up. This is shown in the book because Salva faced many challenges along his long walk. Some challenges were when he hurt his toe, when his friend and uncle died, and when the kid was pulling Salva under the water. Salva kept going after all of this so that shows that the author wanted to show not to give up.


I think there was symbolism when the boy was hanging on to him in the water. I think there was symbolism there because out of everyone in the water, he hung on to Salva. This symbolizes that the young kids looked up to Salva, and he decided to hang on to Salva out of everybody in the water.  

False Alarm

Imagine you are talking with your friends in the hall waiting to go to your classroom and the fire alarm went off. Well, that happened at Heathcote school. Everybody in Heathcote School was in the hall waiting for the bell to ring. All of a sudden the fire alarm went off. Everyone stopped talking, waiting for someone to tell them what to do. They went out the doors and everybody followed. Everybody waited a while as the fire trucks pulled up at the school. The crazy part was it was Friday the 13th! The firemen got out of their fire trucks and went into the school. They had to shut off the fire alarm so that we can all go back in the building. All the people there heard the bell that normally means to go down to your classroom. Not on September 13th.

Everyone was nervous and said that it smelled like smoke. According to Morgen, a 5th grader,” I was confused and we all formed into groups but I didn’t think it was scary.” Mia, a 5th grader said,” I was surprised and worried when the fire trucks came.” Most other kids looked worried but some did not. Sarah Mayor said, “ At first I was scared to go in because I did not trust that it was a false alarm but I still went in because I trusted the firefighters.” Everyone looked relieved when they heard the announcement that we can go inside. Everyone looked really happy that is was not a real fire. Everybody started talking again and fewer people cared about what happened when they got into the school.

Welcome to 4th grade!

My 4th grade year has begun! I am feeling good about 4th grade so far. I think that 4th grade started off great! I am off to a great start this year. So far, I love 4th grade. This year is amazing. I think that this year will be very very amazingly awesome because we have a great teacher!

My goals for this year are to hand in work on the right day and not forget the work at my house or forget to bring it to school, to put my best work into everything ant try my best. Also to become better at all the subjects that we do. Another goal is to raise my hand a lot and not give up on work that is hard and not be lazy all the time. Also not not raise my hand when I know the answer to the question. I think that 4th grade will be a really awesome year!

CU – France

To start we had to pick our country and a partner you want to work with. After that we got to the books. We had several of them to do our research with. We collected information in a packet and separate them into different categories. We put them in categories depending on which Cultural Universals they are in. After we had gathered all of our research we started on the comic books. The five Cultural  Universals are Politics, Social Aspects, Economics, Beliefs, and Cultail arts. The title of our book is  “CU – France.” My favorite part of the whole thing is the characters because you can be creative as you like and you can make anything that relates to your county. I also liked seeing how different France is from here. I thought it was challenging to do the fact boxes because it had to relate to what you were saying and what the picture is. Also it was hard knowing if the picture you put in is actually the thing. Once we were trying to find a picture of the louvre but we spelled it wrong and it ended up to be the white house! Also it was hard knowing if you should put your fact box on the left or on the right.

Plant Blog Post #3

This is our third blog post on plants. We started cross pollinating our plants. Pollination is so the plants get fertilized and seeds can form in the plant. To pollinate our plants we used a q – tip. With the q – tip we touched a pistol. Then we touched a pistol of another plant so it fertilizes the plant. Now since we pollinated the plant seed pods are starting to form. Seed pods have tiny seeds in it so that people can plant new plants with the seeds. On seed pods there is a green coding thing that keeps the seeds from blowing away. Our plant has a itsy bitsy seed pod but you can’t really see it.  


Now the flowers on our plants are dying out. That means seed pods are going to form! Also on our manipulated plant there are buds that are dying and they are pink and we think it is because instead of water we are using red food coloring. On the controlled it is green because we did not change anything. The highest height is around 14 cm!


I think that our plants will form bigger seed pods and if you meger them they will be 3 – 4 cm high. because ours are really small. I also think that next week the plants will be about 15 cm. Also that the seed pods might turn a little pink since the buds are pink. 


Maglev Blog Post #3

For our first desine we failed and here’s what we did.  We put 6 disc magnets on each side of the track and 12 all together. We had to make sure that all of it was lined up though because The magnets have to be lined up to repel. We also made it all facing North.  For our vehical we got 5 disc magnets all together and 4 in the corners. Four the fifth we put it in the middle of the vehicle. We also put them all facing North so that it repels with the track.


Our problem that we had was our vical kept wobbling. The goal was to make it go safe and efficiently across the track and not wobble. What we did to revise it was we used strip magnets instead of disc magnets so all the magnets are lined up. We put one strip magnet on each side of the vehicle and 3 strip magnets on each side of the track because more magnets on the bottom, the hire it goes. We did not put it on the vehicle because the more magnets on the top, the lower it goes.


Our final desine was 3 strip magnets on each side of the track and 1 strip magnet on each side of the vehicle. Our design worked because all of the magnets were lined up so it repels. Also what made it work was all the magnets were north to each other so that also made it repel because like poles repel and opposite poles attract. Also if the magnets are not lined up then the train will wobble and won’t levitait.


How I felt about this is good because we all worked together and we all did the same amount of work on the train and we put everyone’s ideas into the train and one person did not take over the whole train and one person did not tell us what to do.


At the end of the whole thing we put marbles on our train. We wanted to see how many we could fit, 1…2…3 and so on all the way up to 40! It was fun and our group made a succesful maglev train.

Our train working!

This is our maglev train from birds eye view