Plant Blog Post #3

In my last two blog posts we talked about my plant and thats what we are doing today!




We pollenated our plants and that means we will end the life cicle. I don’t know why but flowers are starting to grow again because when you pollenat your flowers leave but they starded to grow!



We Pollenated which means we took the pollen out so the plant life cicle will end πŸ™

But the good news is our plat got pods and some how the flowers grew back but i hope it will end up to be pretty and green!




So remember the purple stem? Well that purple stem dissepired and now we have NOTHING the whole plant is DEAD!


I hope my plant will come back πŸ™‚


This is my controlled plant

Our Manipuladed we threw out because it died.

Plant Blog Post #1

In my class we are doing a unit on plants.


We split up in groups based on what we wanted to mess with.

My group is based on messing with water. We used two plant one is the control plant and the other plant is the manipulated one.


The control plant is the plant that is watered normally and is under the light we have. The control is basically the perfect one.


The manipulated the one with a different type of water or soil or air or sunlight. The manipulated one is basicly the messed up one.


My question is if I use sugar water instead of normal water it will grow more healthy than the other plant.


My hypothesis is will the sugar water make the plant more healthy than the control.
I hope my hypothesis will work!


This is my controlled plant.


This is my manipulated plant.