Hello everyone!
Let me give you a quick review of everything that has happened so far in capstone. I chose the topic firefighting for capstone. My main inquiry question is “What are the most important things a firefighter does to prepare for various emergency situations”? And I came up with seven sub questions. To learn more about this you may check my first two capstone blog posts. In Capstone to help answer your main inquiry question you must have a interview and site visit. Today I will be talking about my interview.Since my topic was firefighting I wanted to interview a Fire Chief because I knew he would have the most information because the fire chief has been a firefighter for the longest time. I met with Mrs.Edwards and we looked for firehouses and Mrs.Edwards thought I should interview someone at the Hartsdale fire station. Why? It is not far drive and she has seen it before and says it is not very crowded. I agreed on this. So Mrs.Edwards emailed the fire chief there after I said I wanted to interview the chief. Mrs.Edwards also emailed my parents about this and she told me my parents were keeping in touch with him. I did not know what his name was then. A few day laters may parents said the fire chief could do Thursday May 16 2018. My mom also said the fire chief’s name is Ed Rush. It was Monday three days before my interview and I knew I was not done with my Interview questions. I was not close to being done so I knew I must work hard on this. I finished my interview questions on the day of my interview because my interview was at 3:45 so I had the whole school day. I met with Mrs.Edwards and I finished them. Here they are,
- Why did you want to become a firefighter?
- What made you decide to become a firefighter for the Hartsdale fire station?
- How long have you been a firefighter? How long a chief?
- What motivates you to go to work and be a firefighter everyday?
- How do you prepare yourself to survive the heat in a fire emergency?
- How have you prepared yourself to remain calm in an emergency situation?
- What daily routines do you do in the firehouse?
- What part of the day do you think is the most important part for
- What is your favorite part of the day?
- Have you ever had to make a difficult decision in a emergency?
- Have you made a mistake in the past and if you have do you think it changed your daily life as a firefighter?
- How important is the teamwork of firefighters?
- Do you not like any part of the preparation for a emergency and if
not what do you not like?
- What is the advantages and disadvantages of working as a team
in a firehouse every day?
- Is it hard to leave the job behind when you leave for the day?
- Do you think the daily life as a firefighter is changing as the years
I went to the Interview being really nervous. I met Ed rush and he was really nice. After the interview I came out with so much information. I am so glad I interviewed the fire chief!