Hello there!
Today I am going to be talking about making my soldering person. What is Soldering? Soldering is for melting medal and connecting it. You Can make alot of things by soldering.In technology we have been working on our soldering person. It is so fun. First we cut some wire and wrapped it around a wooden block and then we have gotten our head and our legs. But the more intresting part was soldering. So we were going to solder our arms and any accsessories if we like any. I Wanted to have a baseball bat with my person so I was going to solder arms and a baseball bat. Off to the soldering table. So now I am going to solder my arms on. I clip my head then I get a small piece of metal and my arms then I solder the arm on. Here I had ran into a problem. One arm was so small and the other was huge. But I was going to make them into a circle so then I did that soldered my baseball bat and I was done. I was so excited that I made my first solder person and I only ran into one issue!