Underwater Dreams

Underwater dreams talks about the dreams these students have had for a long time. The only thing that was stopping them was that they were Mexican. They were immigrants who had moved from Mexico to America for their own safety. They went to Crawl Haden School and lived in a not so wealthy area. They’re school did not have a lot of money and didn’t even know if they were going to go to college because of their lack of education.

That’s when they got into robots. They have seen other schools perform their robots and win competitions. They would build and build until their robot was ready to test. There were times when it was hard for them because the schools they went up against were wealthy and had spent alot of money on the robot. But that never stopped them so they spent hours and hours on the robot and when it was finally ready, they had to test it to see whether it would last or not.

In conclusion, Underwater Dreams shows viewers that you shouldn’t give up on your dream and when something goes wrong, try and try again.


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