October 12

Book Partnerships – Touch blue – Jot #2

I am reading Touch blue by Cynthia Lord. I am reading this book with Meera. As we are reading we are jotting about what we notice. This is one of my jots:

Aaron jumped into the bushes when some one coming to him.
I noticed this on page 18. it stood out to me because Aaron jumped into the bushes when only one person was coming and he did not know who it was. Aaron could of meet the person but instead he jumped into the bushes.



October 6

Book Partnership – Sunny Side Up Jot #1

I am reading Sunny Side Up by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm. I Am reading with Meera. As we are reading we are jotting about what we notice. This is one of my jots:

sunny loves comics because when ever she gets money she spends that on a comic. 

I noticed this on page 172. it stood out to me because she did it you can’t get a lot of money at retirement home. and at this retirement home there are not supposed pets. she got the money from finding peoples lost cat at the retirement home