February 27

Rube Goldberg #5: Sketch Museum

Hello and welcome back to Rocio’s world. Today we are going to talk about the sketch museum.

So first your probably wondering what is a sketch museum. A sketch museum is something we did in class, where everyone left their rube Goldberg sketches on their tables. You would walk around a look at everyone’s sketch’s. You would also leave feedback for them.

So the sketch museum for my group was at the worst moment. We had already tested our machine, and gotten it to work. So if their was anything that our feedback suggested us to change, we couldn’t.

The sketch museum was still fun to see what other people were doing. It was also intresting because you got to see how other people drew their sketch. The sketch museum was also very interesting because you got to see how everyone thinks their simple machine is going to work. I started thinking of things I could’ve done better.

February 27

Rube Goldberg #4: Building

Hello and Welcome back to Rocio’s world. Today we’re going to talk about building my Rube Goldberg.

When my group an I started building, we didn’t have any idea of what we were doing. We were kinda just building. But after maybe 45 minutes, we figured out kinda the “trick” of it.

So when we built the marble run (the 1st step) we didn’t know how to build it. With the pieces we had., we built it our own way When we put the dominoes up (the second step) it kept falling, with the slightest movement.. When we built the ball that went down the ramp, (the third step) it wasn’t that hard. When we put up the jenga pieces, we didn’t know if we should put up a lot or a little. We thought this because we didn’t know if the jenga pieces would be strong enough to knock each other down. When we put up the dvd’s, we had to find 1 that was fat enough on the bottom, so it would stay up but not to heavy the jenga pieces wouldn’t be able to knock them down. When we put up the other ramp with the ball, it was the same thing as the other one. The next thing we put up where dominoes. The dominoes were in a straight line, so when the ball would hit them it would fall. After we had to put a bouncy ball in front of the dominoes, so it would fall into a kinda pulley we made. Then we had to make the pulley. To make the pulley we used the bottom of a water bottle. We made 2 wholes in the middle of the bottom of the water bottle, and stuck needle in each whole. Then we put string on it and put it under 2 jenga pieces, so when the ball would fall in it, it would drop. Lastly we had to put the balloon under the pulley.

The process of building took 3:30 hours.

Overall the building was very frustrating, and also very fun!

February 11

Rube Goldberg #3: Working with a Group

Hello and Welcome back To Rocio’s World. Today we’re going to talk about how i’ts been working with a group so far, for Rube Goldberg.

So working with a group has been easy, but also hard. The easy part for me was the brainstorming part of it. I think it was easier because with 3 people, you can come up with better ideas, than with 1 person. I also think it was easier because their was more people to think about something, so you would get better ideas. The hard part about working in a group is deciding on what to do. For example for our Rube Goldberg I wanted to complete the simple task of flipping a light switch, but Samara and Mia didn’t agree. This could get frustrating at times because, you thought your idea was an awesome idea, but someone else might of not thought that.

So when we came across challenges, we would figure out how to solve them. One of the challenges that we came across was to try not repeat steps. We figured out something that would work the same, like dominoes and jenga pieces.

This process taught me that if their is a challenge I should try to find a solution. Overall I think working in a group is great, even though in can get get frustrating.

February 6

Rube Goldberg #2 : Drawing Our Sketch

Hello and welcome back to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about How me and my group drew our Rube Goldberg sketch.

So me and my group drew our sketch yesterday. It was hard but also really fun. To help us draw this, we started on a white board, so then we could copy it down. First we talked about what we think would work. It was a really long process. Then we talked our plan out. Finally we sketched. We chose to do it on the whiteboard because we thought it would be easier, and if we change our idea we can just erase it, so our final sketch we hand in is neat. When we started sketching we decided that if one of us had an idea, they could say it and if all of us agreed then we could add it to the sketch. I think this was the hardest part. You had to think, How am I going to make this work? You doubt yourself a lot. When we drew something, someone sometimes had an idea, on how we could make it better. I think this part was really helpful because sometimes we would have ideas that would make no sense, but after a person said something we figured out how to make it make sense. After we were done with the sketch on the white board, all of us copied it down, on paper.

Our sketch we had 8 steps. So first their was a marble run. The marble went down it and hit dominoes. The dominoes would hit a ball, that would go down a ramp. When the ball went down the ramp it would hit jenga pieces. The jenga pieces would hit a dvd. The dvd woud hit another ball, that went down a ramp. The ball would hit more dominoes. The dominoes would hit a ball. The ball would go into a kinda pulley. The pulley had a needle on the bottom that would drop and pop the balloon.

Overall this experience was very challenging but very fun and interesting.

February 5

Rube Goldberg #1: Deciding On a Simple Task

Hello and Welcome back to Rocio’s Story. Today we’re going to talk about deciding on the simple task my group was doing, for Rube Goldberg. You’re probably wondering what a Rube Goldberg is. A Rube Goldberg is a machine that completes a simple task.

A simple task is a task at the end of the Rube Goldberg. The rube goldberg had to have at least eight steps before.

So when we first started looking for ideas, I thought it was going to be quick and easy, but after the experience trust me, my mind has changed. My group and I decided to brainstorm ideas on a list, and then we would pick out our favorite one. To get ideas we went on youtube to watch videos, we read some books and also watched other videos of Rube Goldberg machines, to get inspired. This process was fun but also boring. All you were doing is watching videos of other Rube Goldberg’s to get ideas. On the other hand it was fun because you got to see what other people built. After we had a long list we chose. We chose pull a zipper. I thought it was a good idea at first, but then i realized how hard it was going to be. So i told my group. We went back to looking for ideas. At this point I was really annoyed. I just wanted to have an idea. In a video i saw it said pop a balloon. I asked my group members if they wanted to do it. They said yes

I was so excited to finally have a simple task.