Mrs. Edwards had assigned each of us our own inquiry question. We revised it to be the best to the highest endeavor it could be. I was really headed in the direction for my inquiry question to be how has Uber revolutionized transportation. In my time I had realized that it wasn’t enough and I decided to do, How has Uber revolutionized transportation and what industries has it affected. I really liked how this turned out it was very efficient. My other choices I had brainstormed for my Inquiry questions were, how has Uber been affected financially and how can it be improved? how has Uber affected society? What are some of the new technologies Uber is developing? I am really happy with how my final inquiry question turned out.
Creating my own inquiry question was uncommon for me and it was very different than what I had expected it was. At first, I was uncomfortable creating my own question that made sense as well as being proficient. It was really hard for me to find the right words I needed. Once I had found the outline or main idea of what my question was going to be it was much easier to think ahead. It was a huge struggle for me to find the base of my question, then I needed to revise to be longer and more interesting to create a capstone on. Revising was the easiest part of the process. I thought it was easy because I had already knew what direction I was headed in. When I revised it or added on to it I had to make sure it actually put together and words were not repeated.
As I finished the last part of the process of creating my inquiry question. I had moved on to creating my sub questions. My sub questions were beyond my expectations, I had expected them to be extremely difficult, they were challenging to create and start but not so hard. Developing the perfect question was definitely hard but I had managed to create a question pretty good. Once I had finally secured my question it still needed to be edited. Editing took a lot of time surprisingly though it was extremely helpful because it turned my questions up a notch. Sometimes when I revised I thought they were perfect but then when I looked at it again I found a couple of mistakes. I think that I put a lot of work into my questions and I am really proud of the outcome.
My final questions were, how has Uber evolved over the years? What is the process involved in getting a Uber ride? What are the advantages of using Uber? What are Uber’s greatest competitors around the world? What industries have been affected by Uber? How have they been affected? How has Uber made an impact on society? I think these questions are really good and I’m excited for my next task in the process of my capstone.