Music Video

In my tech class, we had to make a “Music Video” from our Tynker app. Using the coding blocks, we could make characters dance, and/or move, backgrounds change, and set music for our characters to boogie to. I made a sort of stop-motion animation with stick figure characters walking, dancing, flying (for the birds), and jumping to cheery music.

There was one person’s music video that made me want to write about it. I liked how the creator made the character walk across in sync to the music and made it look a little goofy. His background was a fall themed landscape so his characters were chickens and turkeys. I loved how the music that was playing was a playful soundtrack. It made me chuckle a little bit and I liked the way it makes you want to dance.

About Me Project

One of the activities I did on Tynker Programming 201 was trying to get Gus (the astronaut) to go about the space by using the coding blocks. I like how Tynker is super accessible and very easy to navigate everything. It makes coding very enjoyable to learn. Coding in general was (and kind of still is) very difficult for me to learn. Something about putting blocks in a certain order to make something happen is very confusing for me. With Tynker, I learned how to change a person’s costume by tapping them. Here’s the code: When actor is touched, change costume.

My “About Me” project has a character that looks like me runs with a dog that looks like my dog, Hannah, on a field near my home. Once I click my character, it starts to play cheery music because when people see my in-person, I’m usually smiling. My character has a text bubble pop up saying “I’ve been doing ballet for 7 years.” which is true. While I’m “talking” I start gliding across the screen. Basically, when I tap my character, music starts to play, I say something, and I glide on the screen. One block I use a lot is the “When character is touched” block. I tried to incorporate my moving “x and y” block that I learned from Programming 201.

Computer Science is Changing Everything

A person can spit into a cup and the computer can see what kind of illness they have. The computer database will be filled with every single type of virus, and when the cup is put into the machine, within an hour or so, the computer will have found what is wrong with you.

Computer coding can include art and entertainment. When you have a bunch of lights that need to go on and off at certain times, humans can’t time exactly when to flip the switch or push the button, so people code a computer to turn the lights on and off at the right time. Another example of computer coding in art and entertainment are animated movies. They code the computer to do the motion, but the humans draw the actual pictures to create the whole movie.