Capstone Blog Post #1

5R has just started a new project called Capstone. Capstone is a presentation that someone gives on a topic that they’re interested in learning or already know a lot about and are passionate about it.

The first step was to think about what we wanted to do our Capstone about. I chose personal hygiene because I think this is a topic that people need to know and learn about because it’s an important skill that I think everyone should do/practice. After we thought about that, we had to fill in a “Curriculum Wheel Organizer”. A Curriculum Wheel Organizer is an organizer where you put in questions about your topic based on the box you fill out. For example, there is a math box, so I think of a question based on my topic (personal hygiene in case you forgot). For math you could do percentages and number of things etc. So I could put in “How much money does Costco make from hand wipes in an average year?” or something like that.

After you have completely finished the organizer, you do a one on one zoom call with our teacher to discuss our “Main Inquiry Question.” A main inquiry question is your main question that you choose to base you sub questions on. For example a main inquiry question for me could be, “How has personal hygiene and mortality affected the ecosystem?” and one of my five sub questions could be, “Have animals been dying because of our mortality rate?”

Next, we have to do this exact blog post and explain everything we’ve been doing for Capstone.

After we finish this, we move onto researching, yes, I can hear the sighs of relief. We get to research based on our five sub questions that are based off of our main inquiry question. This is where everything connects. There are two slides for each sub question. One for writing down the article’s name, how we know it’s a reliable source, the date of publication and one for writing down the notes that you gathered up from reading or listening the to article, website, database, book, and/or video.

It’s been really fun working on Capstone and I will probably have more fun on the actual presentation.

Curling Field Trip Reflection

On Tuesday morning, our class went to go curling. When we got there, we sat in the warm room and had a talk about what we’re going to do and what our groups were going to go. Before our field trip, we made the groups already, so we knew who to go to.

On the first time I did my practice curl, I accidentally let go when we weren’t supposed to when it was time to curl against another group. Luckily, my group was made up with all of my friends, so we got along nicely. Nobody scored. Until my teammate’s last score. She made her stone go in the house! The house is the main target. The button is in the middle of the house. The closer to the button, the better. We finally got a point. But curling is a sport with good sportsmanship so we didn’t go crazy. After everything, everybody shook hand and said “Good curling,” and left to go back to school.

Curling is a sport I would definitely do again for a field trip except for longer next time. I also want to learn more about sweeping technique and when to and not to stop sweeping. hopefully, I can have another chance to go curling with friends. Thank you for reading this blog post, bye!