How do wireless headphone work?

Hmmm wireless headphones that is a really tricky thing to think about. Today we will be reading all about how wireless headphones really work. Caution your brain may hurt after taking in all of this knowledge! Let’s jump right on into this!

Your phone or iPad has a little chip in it that allows the chip in headphones to connect to it so that you can go far distances without have to use annoying wires. The chip is called Bluetooth. Did you learn anything new? I know I did! A radio frequency is transmitted through the air, cool right?

There are two different kinds of wireless “True Wireless,” and just “wireless.” “True Wireless” completely lack a cable or a connector between each of the “True wireless” AirPods. “True Wireless” EarPods or just floating buds in you ear. Over ear headphones are headphones without wires which some people confuse with wireless headphones, they are more commonly know by that name. Wireless headphones look like AirPods but they have a string in The back of you neck that really allows them to be wireless headphones.

Wow I learned the difference between AirPods and wireless headphones. I hope you learned a lot as well.

How do headphones work?

Wow headphones, they seem like such a simple thing. You plug them into your phone or iPad and you listen to music or whatever you need to listen to. Would you believe me if I said there is SO much more to headphones? Let me tell you all about how headphones work!

Well headphones pretty much work the same as speakers but they are the opposite of speakers, but wait headphones have speakers in them. Hmmm that’s weird, let’s move on we need to continue looking at how headphones work! Headphones turn electrical energy into sound by using special magnets to vibrate the air, it’s weird. The digital data is stored in the phone and that is what the headphones use. Kind of simple but a lot of science.

When you plug your headphones into an electrical source a current is pushed into the voice coil that creates an electric magnetic field!

That is all you need to know about headphones for right now. How much did you learn?

How do Microwaves work?

How do microwaves work? Well, I know they heat up food and kill germs but I don’t actually know how they work. Let’s learn all about them!

Food gets heated up in the microwave. Inside of the oven there is something called a magnetron. Inside the microwave  are reflected inside of the microwave made of metal material.
It absorbs the food and makes Microwaves cause water molecules which make the food heat up and then the vibrate.

A fun thing to think about is what will happen if I set the microwave to heat something up but I don’t actually heat anything up? Well the answer to that question is that the magnetron will create things that travel into where you cook your food and will be absorbed if there is no food or water just a running microwave those things floating around will not go into where your cooking your food and just go back to the magnetrons. To answer your question not much happens just a bunch of chemicals and stuff like that.

Well that it, that is how a microwave works!

Wheel and Axel notes

1.Wheel and axles are a simple machine. 2.Knobs on doors, cars and, screw drivers are wheel and axles. 3.Radius of a circle is the point from the center of the circle to the end of the circle. 4.Wheels and axles are very similar they both have loads, effort and, fulcrum. 5.Wheel and axles let you get leverage to unscrew a screw. 6.When the wheel on the screw driver is bigger it is even easier to unscrew a screw. 7.Cams are discs or loads that turn and lifts up the follower.8.Some followers go under the cam or over the cam. 9. There are round cams and flat followers. 10.  The distance between the axle and the closest edge of the cam. 11. The distance between the axle and the farthest edge of the cam. 12. Cams don’t have to be on center. 13. Putting weighting the followers help keep the cams on the weights. 14. Cams can have really weird shapes. 15. Cams are internal combustion engine. 16. Cam shafts ar easels. 17. Crank shafts are turned by pistons. 18. An overhead cams and on top. 19. Spring hold valves against the valves on a crank. 20. Inside a cillindar have pistons the move up and down.

That was my notes from my tech class on October 30th!!





How Gas ovens work

Today we will be talking about how gas ovens work. We will also be answering one of the most popular questions about how a gas oven works! YOu will also learn one cool fact about gas ovens! I hope you learn a lot!!

In a gas oven the top of the oven will be hotter, if you are baking two cakes and one tray is on the bottom and the other is on the top which one is going to cook faster? The top one! It is important that when you are baking two things and one is on the top and the other is on the bottom your are rotating the pans and having the bottom got to the top midway through its baking time.

When you are looking to buy an oven and you are choosing between a gas oven and an electric oven i would choose gas because it is cheaper to run, it is also better for the environment.

One of the most popular questions asked about gas ovens is which gas oven brand is the best? Good thing I know the answer, the answer is Elica 3 Burners Gas Stove. One cool fact about a gas oven is that they have been around since the 1900’s, isn’t that crazy??!!

It’s time to wrap up our talk about gas ovens, I hope you learned a lot and now know what time of gas oven you need to get!