Timber Harvest Clear Cutting

Clearcutting is the timber harvest method of cutting down most trees in a specific area. This method doesn’t pick and choose the healthiest or strongest trees to cut down. The pros are financial reasons (clearcutting advocates argue that the method is the most efficient for both harvesting and replanting trees,) and increased farmland. One con of clear cutting is that they look bad because until the newly planted trees are on a hillside, a clearcut is not appealing to the public. Another con is the habitat disturbance. Clearcutting alters the habitat where trees once stood, and forest wildlife is displaced into new areas.

How tree grow?

Trees grow taller when new cells are produced at the tips of twigs so the twigs can grow longer. Tree trunks and branches grow thicker when new cells are added underneath the bark. Those cells make up vessels, called xylem and phloem, and those vessels carry water and food throughout the tree. Growth rings can tell us how old the tree is, and what the weather was like during each year of the tree’s life. The lighter colored rings represent wood that grew in the spring and early summer, but the darker rings represent wood that grew in the late summer and fall. Growth rings are caused from patterns in vascular tissues. Before the leaves start to grow, a layer of tissue  under the bark called the cambium begins to divide. At this time the vessels that are produced are large and less dense.

Different Types of Wood

There are three types of wood and today I’ll be talking about which woods are used for what. Now the three types of wood is softwood, hardwood, and engineered wood. Some types of softwoods are cedar, pine, and fir. Softwood is flexible, lighter in weight and less dense. It is frequently used for interior mouldings, the manufacturing of windows, construction framing and generating sheet goods such as plywood and fiberboard. Some types of hardwoods are oak, ash, and maple. Hardwoods are employed in a large range of applications, including fuel, tools, construction, boat building, furniture making, musical instruments, flooring, cooking, barrels, and manufacture of charcoal. Some types of engineered wood is Laminated Veneer Lumber, Oriented strand board, and plywood. Engineered wood products are used for home construction, commercial buildings, and industrial products. The products can be used for joists and beams that replace steel in many building projects.