Constitution Project Plans

I am studying events and I am going to design something. I chose to study Shays’s Rebellion because it sounded very interesting to me. I am going to design Conkey’s Tavern because that is where Shays’s Rebellion started.

Conkey’s Tavern is where Shays told all the farmers that their debt is too much to pay, and since they can’t pay their debt, they went to jail and they lost their farms. He convinced all the farmers to make a rebellion because he thought something had to change with how they were being treated.

So far it is going really well. There is nothing that I am having a hard time on so far. I am doing well on my research and I think I am in a good place with my research. I made a sketch for what I will be designing. I made a list of tools and supplies that will help me make the model of Conkey’s Tavern.

When I Got Lost

One day, on a saturday morning my mom, brother, and I went to the mall. When we got there we all decided to go to the same store. We went inside the store and followed my mom, looking bored. After a long five minutes of silence my mom looked at us and said, “If you want to go look at something somewhere else, go ahead. But just remember that…”

“Bye mom!” My brother and I said before we ran away from her. But what my brother and I didn’t know was that we should have let her finish her sentence before we ran off. After we ran away she finished her sentence,”You have to stick together because you guys don’t know this place very well.” My mom said worried, looking around her, hoping she will spot us. “They’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.” she said, talking to herself.

Meanwhile, my brother and I were looking at random stuff like hair conditioner and school supplies. ” I’m going to go look at those clothes.” My brother said, pointing at the clothes he wanted to go to while staring at me.

“Sure, it’s not like mom told us to stick together.” I said, holding a glittery notebook, staring at it, like it was the most interesting thing in the world. He walked towards the clothes he wanted to see. After a couple of minutes, I looked up to see if my brother was there. “He’s not there.” I whispered, my eyes wide open. “What if mom was trying to say something important to us before we ran away” I dropped the stack of post-its I was holding and ran without thinking.

“Where are you guys?” I said, not yelling, because I didn’t want to draw attention. I saw a women and a boy, that looked like my mom and my brother, so I ran to them. ” You guys don’t know how worried I was.” I said breathing heavily. They turned around and I realized that was not my mom and my brother. ” I’m sorry, do I know you?” The women said. “I am so sorry, I thought you were someone else.” I said, then ran away. I kept on running, then I saw my mom and my brother.”

”Where were you, we were looking for you everywhere?” My mom said, “Are you hurt?” ”I’m fine.” I said. ” Sorry we ran off before you finished talking to us.” It’s ok.” My mom said. ”Can we go home? I’m really tired.” My brother said, yawning. “Sure, let’s go.” my mom said. We walked out the store, and I felt relieved that I finally found my family.