Refugee – Read Aloud

In “Refugee”, the three stories alternate from one story to another. I think the author does that because the author wants to show that history repeats itself, because there are people fleeing from their countries because of violence, and they don’t feel safe.

I think the author chose to tell these three stories alternating from one time period to another because the author wants to show different types of reasons why refugees are fleeing from their countries.

Refugee – Read Aloud

In class, we read a book called “Refugee”. “Refugee” is about three characters in three different types of stories, and they have to flee from the places they live. Josef, who lives in Germany, in the 1930s, is fleeing from Germany because he is Jewish, and at that time Jews were treated unfairly because of the Nazis. Isabel, who lives in Cuba, in 1994, is fleeing from Cuba because people are rioting on the streets because they think the president should leave his job as a president. Isabel’s father is one of the rioters and he got in trouble with the police, and if they don’t leave Cuba Isabel’s father will go to jail. Mahmoud, who lives in Syria, in 2015, is fleeing Syria because of a war.

Their problems are similar because they are all fleeing because they are not safe. Their problems are different because Josef is fleeing because of his religion, Isabel is fleeing because her father got in trouble with the police, and Mahmoud is fleeing because of a war.

Podcast – Heathcote Makerspace


In class, we worked on something called podcasts. A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet. We were allowed to choose our own partners or groups. This podcast was very fun to do, but challenging at the same time. I think the hardest parts about making this podcast were putting everything together and doing live interviews. The easiest parts about making this podcast were writing the script and recording. I hope you enjoy this podcast!

Rube Goldberg Video

This is our Rube Goldberg Video. My partner and I, Kate, worked very hard on this. First, we drew a sketch. Next, we started getting materials. Then, we started building. The hardest parts for Kate and I was trying to find a way to stick the tube on the chair. Another hard part was when we had to reset the dominoes. Another hard part was that we didn’t have that much space to move around, so we had to be really careful about where we’re moving because we might break something. The easiest part for us was collecting different materials for our Rube Goldberg. This project was very challenging, but fun at the same time. I hope you enjoy our Rube Goldberg!

Hide and Seek – 3 Sentence Summary

In the book, “Hide and Seek”, by Kate Messner, Anna, Jose, and Henry are trying to find the Jaguar Cup, and Anna, Jose, and Henry’s relatives are part of the Silver Jaguar Society, which is a group of people who protect artifacts, and new members drink out of the Jaguar cup. But, the Jaguar Cup has been stolen and they are trying to find it. Their parents are trying to find out who stole it, so Anna, Jose, and Henry are staying at a hotel, and Jose discovered that one of the members of the Serpentine Princes is at the hotel, which is a group of people who try to steal artifacts, like the Jaguar Cup.

Rube Goldberg #6

On Friday, March 1st, my partner and I tested our Rube Goldberg again. We tested it a few times, and the ending still didn’t work. What we did to fix the ending was we put tape on the sides of the box, because earlier we cut out a hole for the chips to fall out of. We didn’t want the chips to stick to the tape, so we stuck cotton balls on the tape. Then, we tested our Rube Goldberg again, and it finally worked! This project challenged my partner and I to stretch our thinking a lot more than we usually do.

Rube Goldberg #5

On Thursday, February 28, my partner and I finished building our whole Rube Goldberg. Everything worked, except the last step. Our last step is the car knocking down the chip bag into the bowl. We tested our Rube Goldberg a few times. Everytime we tested our Rube Goldberg, the last step was always the step that didn’t work. Sometimes, the bag of chips knocked over and didn’t go into the bowl. Sometimes, when the bag of chips knocked over there were only 1-3 chips in the bowl. We are still testing and fixing the last step, but I think that our Rube Goldberg improved so much.