Capstone #7

After a lot of time and effort put in to my capstone I have finally finished! My class and I had to practice speaking to an amount of people before we do the actual presentation in front of other parents.

We did that by presenting our capstones to kindergarten and second grade classes, but first I had to present in front of my class. At first, it was very nerve-racking, because I had no idea when I would mess up, or if I might forget my script because I didn’t have my script in my hands. But the second time I presented in front of my class, I felt like I really knew what I was doing and knew the script by heart. When I presented to the kindergarteners and the second graders I started to feel more comfortable.

We also had to be filmed in front of the camera, and that made me just a little bit nervous, and I made a little mistake, but overall it was fine. Lastly, I presented in front of other parents, and I think all that practice really helped me control my pace, and help me memorize it even more, because it went really well.

It is such a relief that capstone is finally over, but even though it was challenging, it was also very fun and a great experience to have!

This is my final presentation, and I hope you like it and learn something new:

Capstone #6

I have finally finished my script and my google slides presentation! I have learned many things from putting this all together. I learned how to match the picture with what I am saying, and I learned how to use great vocabulary for my script. The hardest part for me was to actually write my script and add what I have learned from my research, site visit, and my interview. It was also hard for me to not get off topic with my script and get really good, clear pictures for my slide show. It was also hard for me to find someone to interview, and  find a place for my site visit. It was also hard for me to find resources, because what usually comes up in the internet are pictures of designed rooms.

The easiest part for me was researching – once I found the correct resources, it was very easy to get information from that article and/or website. Another easy part for me was to make the QR code in the end of my presentation, so people can get to my blog to see the process of my capstone. My next step is to memorize my script, and I am so excited to start memorizing! I am so excited for my presentation!

If you would like to learn more about my topic, these are the resources I used:
















Capstone #5

I have finally answered my main inquiry question, which is, “How has HGTV impacted interior design?”. I have learned so much!  On major thing that I learned was that HGTV definetly affects the interior design industry. I also learned that people are renovating more and more, and are expected to renovate more through the year 2021, because of HGTV. I also learned that HGTV is the fourth most viewed cable network in the US, which has more than 1.6 million viewers altogether, and that HGTV creates many trends.

I have learned so much from my interview, site visit, and research, and all of it was really helpful for my research, and I am so excited to put it all together in my presentation. Overall, I learned many things, and I can’t wait to start my google slides presentation!


Science Centers #2

On Monday, June 3rd, my class and I did a science activity. We had to do three different science experiments, but first we had to write a hypothesis. The experiments was about mixing colored sugar in different liquids. The liquids we used were oil, water, and vinegar.

The first experiment we did was mixing oil and colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the oil, then the sugar will sink to the bottom because sugar is heavier than oil and the sugar and oil will not mix. After we wrote our hypotheses, we mixed the the oil and the colored sugar together, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The sugar sunk to the bottom, and the sugar and oil separated.

The second experiment we did was mixing water and colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the water, then the color on the sugar will spread throughout the water, and the sugar will dissolve. Then, we mixed the water and the colored sugar, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The color in the sugar spread throughout the water, and the sugar dissolved.

The third and final experiment was mixing vinegar and the colored sugar. My hypothesis was, if we put the colored sugar in the vinegar, then the color in the sugar will spread throughout the vinegar, and the sugar will dissolve. My hypothesis for this experiment was similar to the hypothesis for the second experiment. Then, we mixed the vinegar and the colored sugar, and my hypothesis was confirmed. The color in the sugar spread throughout the vinegar, and the sugar dissolved after some time in the vinegar.

All of these experiments have a solvent and a solute. The solute for all of the experiments was the colored sugar. The solvent for all the experiments was the liquids. I learned many things from these experiments and I’m excited to do more in science.