4th Grade Reflection

In 4th grade we did a lot of things. There were a lot of different types of projects too. The projects I did are my PSA, toy theater, curiosity project, biography project, and Colonial America project. We also had different read alouds. Some of the read alouds are The Tiger Rising, Book Scavenger, and Blood on the River.

We had a couple of subjects. Those subjects were math, writing, social studies, reading, and science. My favorite subject is social studies. I like social studies because you get to learn about new things.

My favorite read aloud is Book Scavenger. I like Book Scavenger because I like mystery. I also like Book Scavenger because there are a lot of parts in the story that makes the book more interesting.

My favorite project was toy theater. That was my favorite project because I liked learning about my topic and it was fun writing the script and making the puppets, theater, and the scenes.

In 4th grade I learned about different things and did a lot of different projects. 4th grade was a really fun year!

Tropical Rainforests PSA

In 4th grade, we had to make a video on the human impact on our ecosystem. First we had to do a couple of things before we made the video. First we picked our ecosystem and researched it. There were different things we had to research on. Some of the things we had to research on was animals, human impact, and producers.

After we finished researching, we wrote a script and we used our research to help us write our scripts. We got a piece of paper and we drew pictures and wrote words so then we know what we’re looking for when we start our video. But it also had to be exactly 60 seconds. after we wrote our scripts, we started our video. We made our video on something called WeVideo. Then I started putting pictures in my video. You could also type things in your video. after I put all my pictures in my video I tried to make my video 60 seconds.

After I was done making it 60 seconds, I added music. When I added music, I changed the loudnes of the music. Next, I recorded my voice and looked at my script. I got a box and a microphone. When you get the box it makes the background noises go away. So when you listen to the video, there are no sounds except for your voice getting recorded. After I finished recording my voice, I showed the video that I made to my teacher. Then she approved my video and I had to press the finish button. Then I clicked the finish button and sended the video to my teacher.

When I was making the video, some parts were hard and some parts were easy. The hard part was when I had to make my video 60 seconds. The easy parts were when I added the music and recorded my voice. Making this video was really fun and it’s also telling people about human impact in ecosystems.




Biography Project – Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks


Rosa Parks was a person who fought for the rights of black people. She had dark skin and in the early 1900’s, black people didn’t have the rights of white people. Black people were treated badly. Black people and white people were separated. Black people and white people couldn’t go to the same restaurants, stores, and they couldn’t even drink in the same water fountain. Rosa Parks wanted to do something about it.



Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913. Rosa was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. Rosa’s parents separated when Rosa was 2 years old. Rosa was also homeschooled. When Rosa was 10 years old, a white boy said he was going to hit her. Rosa stood up for herself and the boy ran away. When Rosa was 11 years old, she went to Miss White’s School for Girls in Montgomery, Alabama. When Rosa grew up, she went to a college called Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes. While she was in college, Rosa’s grandmother became very ill  and Rosa left school. Then her grandmother died. After her grandmother died, her mom got sick and Rosa left school again.


                                                           Adult Life

When Rosa was an adult, she was tired of segregation. One day, Rosa went to the bus. She paid the bus driver and sat in a seat. In that time, when a black person sat down on a bus and there are no more seats for a white person, a black person has to give up a seat. When Rosa took a seat,  white people walked into the bus and there were no more seats. All of the black people stood up, except for Rosa. The driver asked if she was going to stand up, but Rosa said no. The bus driver called the police and she was arrested. After she was released from prison, she was married to Raymond Parks on December 18, 1932. She joined the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). The NAACP was originally created to defend the civil rights of black people. Rosa Parks became a member in 1943. Rosa received her high school diploma in 1934. Rosa worked with teens in the NAACP to plan a protest at the local library. The library did not allow black people to borrow books. Activists were often threatened, beaten, or even killed. Rosa tried to vote. Before white people and black people had to take a test to vote. White people had easy tests and and black people had harder tests. Rosa passed the test and voted. In 1994, she traveled to Sweden to receive the Rosa Parks Peace Prize. In 1965, Rosa began working for Congressman John Conyers. She continued working for him until 1988. In 1999, she received the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal. Rosa speaks at the March on Washington in Washington, D.C. Then Raymond and Rosa moved to Detroit, Michigan to start new lives. Raymond Parks died in 1977, so Rosa helped open the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development.  Then, a few years later, Rosa died at home in Detroit, Michigan on October 24, 2005.






Rosa Parks had dark skin and she didn’t have the rights that white people had. White people and black people were separated. When Rosa was a little girl, a group called the KKK destroyed black churches and homes. Sometimes the KKK even killed black people. After the bus boycott there were consequences. Sugar was poured in carpool gas tanks. Acid was thrown at participating cars. People received threats at home and at work. Then Rosa lost her job at the department store.



Rosa Parks fought for the rights of black people. After Rosa got arrested, other black people heard what happened to Rosa and did a boycott for riding the bus. A teenager named Claudette sat on the bus and refused to stand up for a white person and got arrested. Another teenager named Mary Louise Smith was arrested on October 1. When Rosa voted, some schools became desegregated. Now, Rosa Parks is remembered as the mother of the civil rights movement for her courage in fighting segregation.   

Ecosystems- Tropical Rain Forests

Where are tropical rain forests? Tropical rain forests lie on the equator. The largest rain forests are in central Africa and along the Amazon River in South America. They are also found in Central America, Australia, Asia, and several islands in the Pacific.

Tropical rain forests are very unique. Tropical rain forests are unique because you can find a lot of things in a tropical rain forest. They also provide us with things. There are plants we use to make coffee and chocolate. Or species you’ve never even heard of. More importantly, many medicines can be made from plants found in rainforests. There might even be a cure for cancer in there somewhere!

There are a lot of animals in the tropical rain forest. There are consumers, producers, mammals, and more. Some of the producers in the tropical rain forest are Mahogany trees, avacados, figs, palms, tree ferns, philodendron, epiphytes, lianas, orchids, ferns, fruits, vegetation, vines, bushes, and shrubs.

Some of the consumers are sloths, spider monkeys, leaf monkeys, rodents, peccaries, tapirs, capybaras, macaws, toucans, katydids, caterpillars, snakes, crocodiles, quetzals, anacondas, caiman, jaguars, cougars, tree frogs, and lizards.

Tropical rain forests cover about 6% of Earth’s land. Tropical rain forests have helped us a lot. Instead of cutting down trees and destroying one of the most beautiful places in the world, we should do more for them.

Learning From Our Differences 4th Grade

On March 29, we had something called Learning From Our Differences (LFOD). A man came and his name is Dennis Oehler. He is disabled. He and his friend went to a hockey game and it was raining. When they went back to their car, they couldn’t drive the car. After a while they could drive the car again. When his friend was going to the right lane, their car stopped in the middle of the road. Dennis tried to push the car. Behind him, two cars hit him on the leg. He woke up in the hospital, and the doctor said that he had to get his leg removed. He didn’t want to because he couldn’t play soccer. He was going to sign a contract to play professional soccer. The next day he said that he wanted to get his leg removed.  One of his friends said he should go to the Paralympics. He did sprinting. The first race he won!

Colonial America Book Reflection

In class, we were supposed to make books that had to do with colonial life. First, we have to write three topics that you would want to research on. Next, our teacher picks our topic. Then,  we write about colonial life for chapter one, and then you research on your topic. When you’re done researching on your topic, you organize your information with index cards. After you’re done organizing your research, you start to write your second, third, and fourth chapters. Then you write your glossary and your bibliography.

In chapter one, you write about when Colonial America was discovered and the colonies there. Chapter two is about your topic. You can put subheadings in chapter two. Chapter three is when you make up a character who lived in colonial times. Then you write either a journal entry or a letter. Chapter four is when you come up with a question, and when you get up to chapter four, you use the question and answer it with your research and talk about the answer to your question. A bibliography is when you list all of the places you got your information or sources.

The process of making this book was fun but challenging. The fun part was when we typed our research on google docs, and copied it on google slides and find pictures. That was fun for me because it was really easy to do but I still liked researching. The challenging part for me was finding the information. My topic was school, and when I went home and searched up colonial schools, nothing was found. So the challenging part for me was researching because there wasn’t much to find about colonial schools and I have to use books because there’s information for colonial school.

When I was writing this book I learned a lot about colonial schools. I wasn’t really interested in colonial schools but I wanted to try something new. I hope you enjoy my book!

Colonial Day

On December 15 I had something called Colonial Day. Colonial Day is when you go to school dressed up like colonial people. We did a lot of activities and we ate Thanksgiving food. My favorite activity was tin smithing.

The materials you need for tin smithing is an awl, a pie pan, a piece of string , and 2 pieces of tape. There were actors that pretended they are from colonial times and they gave us several patterns to choose from. After you chose your  pattern, you get the 2 strips of tape and you stick the piece of paper with the pattern on it. Then you get your awl and poke the dots on the piece of paper. And you’re done.

I went to an activity called Dame School. Dame school is a school that you would’ve been in if you were still in colonial times. We did a spelling bee and the girls went first. We got easy words like bat, sat, snow, cat, and other really short words. Then the boys went next and got hard words like Philadelphia, and liberty, and other hard words. I learned that boys got educated more than girls did because people expect more from them.

I want to know if girls were once educated more than boys and I know they expect more from boys but why can’t they be educated equally? I also want to know what’s the most important thing in colonial life.

Colonial times is different from today because we have electricity, different clothes and shoes, different food, we get educated equally, and more.
