Immigration Blog post #5 – Audio

For my immigration project we had to make a video about the immigrant that we decided to interview and learn about. We were told to make a presentation/video on: Spark Adobe

The main challenge that I faced was trying to find a quiet space to recored my voiceover ether my brother was screaming at my mom or my sister was screaming at my opare or my dad was screaming at all of us there was never a quiet moment of silence. This angered me because my video was due the next day, it was 12:56 PM and I had no audio whatsoever. I decided to go outside and do my recording in the morning so I went out on the roof and there were birds chirping so for the rest of my audio I decided to have bird sounds in the background.

When I was making the video I felt self-conscious because personally I haven’t made very many videos before and I was getting judged on this one.

This is the Final Product:

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