Blog Post #4 the Site Visit

I went to the Pelum Cinema House to watch a movie about resettlement for refugees involving I.R.C. there was also a Syrian refugee who came to talk about his immigration process to the US in Westchester. The only reason I was at the Pelum Cinema House was because the Students For Refugees club at Scarsdale high school. The Syrian refugee was very kind, and answered all the questions asked to him. At the end it was an open house, asking questions. Some of the questions asked were from my original interview questions. Here are some of the questions asked.


Did you encounter any Smugglers during your journey of coming to the US?


How can we, the people that want to help, help?


Was there any idea in your mind that told yourself I want to keep going?


These are only a few of the questions asked but he gave very detailed answers to these.


The movie was about Syrian refugees settling into a new home and learning how to drive, speak English, navigate the culture, and how to buy foods at a grocery store, basically learning about the necessities of living in the US.


Some of the most interesting moments in the movie were when the kids, probably just under 6, were they were so scarred by the experience of living in a war zone that they talked about how one of their dolls was scared of the bombings and the other liked chocolate. Another was when one woman said that she was really skilled in her country as a doctor but a rule that the government enforces “when a refugee is offered a job the first job that is offered the refugee has to take.” and the first job this doctor was offered was the job of a toilet cleaner. The last interesting moment that I will tell you about is when I saw the refugees learning English they looked so happy. They were having fun and they had just learned that their dreams had been crushed but they were very positive and I will always look up to that.

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