Immigration blog post #2 – Questions

My questions took longer than I thought they would. I had to think of questions that kept the conversation going, also known as green light questions. These questions can not have an answer that is one word these questions have to be full sentences my questions were simple but I tried to make as many as I could green light here are some of them:


  • Why did you leave your country?
  • Can you tell me about the government in your homeland at the time?
  • Did your age cause any problems from entering the US?
  • Did you have to leave any family members behind? If so were you able to keep in touch with them?
  • Was it hard leaving or exciting? What made it so?
  • Describe your first day and days when arriving in the U.S.
  • Was America what you expected? Better or worse?
  • How has your life changed since you came to this country?
  • If you had not immigrated, what do you think your life would be like today?
  • Did you/ attend school in the US? If so what was it like for you?
  • Describe your first job?
  • What were some of your favore new foods?
  • What do you miss most about your Homeland?
  • How did you grow as a person throughout immigrating based off
  • something that happened to you?

Immigration blog post #1 – The assinment

In Mrs. Edwards fifth grade class, Mrs Edwards is having her students interview an immigrant that immigrated to America from another country. Her students have to make a video on Spark Video (about the project.) My next-door neighbor is a Holocaust survivor and immigrated from Poland. The reason Gitta left Poland was because her mom was in the US and the rest of her family was murdered. Her dad had gone to try to find the family a hiding spot and never returned. Gitta was an only child and so it was just her and her mother. Gitta’s mother was terrified. Who wouldn’t be? If Gitta’s mother was scared then Gitta, a 3 year old little girl, must have been petrified.

Rube Goldberg #8 – The Finished Product




Making this video was fun it took a long to initially shoot it, but it was easy to edit.

It took a long time to shoot it. In fact it took my entire weekend of shooting and editing. but, it was easy because I used wevideo. In the end it all turned out great and I was finally done with the project. It defiantly was fun and felt good to finish

Rube Goldberg #7 – The Zone

In the beginning of my Rube Goldberg project, I felt very stressed because, I had done practically nothing and it took me an hours to write one blog post. What I was doing was something called not doing, instead of doing, I was worrying. Once I realized that I was worrying and not doing anything, I started doing and I got into a zone that I never had felt before. The zone was nothing I had ever experienced and made me want to do more. I started to actually do the work instead of worry and wait for it to do itself. I felt more confident that I was going to finish and I did. In fact, this is my seventh blog post and we were only supposed to do six.


The point of this blog post is that if you ever get into the zone, don’t give it up. You can get a lot done. Also it feels good to be in the zone. In fact I am writing this blog post as I am in the zone and the time is rushing by.

Rube Goldberg #6 – Changing Rooms

I thought my Rube Goldberg was complete but, it was in the middle of an intersection to the busiest room in the house: the living room. My sister, brother, mom, dad, babysitter and opare consistently walked and jumped through that intersection carelessly knocking over the parts which were my Rube Goldberg. This made it difficult to actually finish the project.


So even though I was almost done, I started over in a different room that was further away from the rest of the house. I thought that this big of a transition was going to take the rest of my day but actually it took about five minutes. Yes, I had to make some minor changes but that didn’t take long because none of these minor changes involved the rest of the room I also did it in a very contained space which helped the balance of it.

Rube Goldberg #5 – Start From the End

Have you ever been in one of those restaurants that gives the kids mazes on paper and not been able to do the maze then suddenly an old man walks up to you. The old man is wearing rags, a cap and, a tattered hat to hide the fact that he’s bald. His pockets are filled with wallets that probably don’t belong to him. His voice is frail and scratchy, he says in a thick tone as he slips a new wallet into his pocket “start from the end its the best way to go” then half an hour later your dad goes up to the front to pay and starts asking “where did my wallet go?” well thats happened to me ;). The old man in my story was right. Starting from the end is the best way to go. I realized this as I did my Rube Goldberg machine. Starting from the end is easier because you know were the end is and from there you get a sense of the rest.

The first time I built my Rube Goldberg project, I started from the beginning.  I found that very problematic because I didn’t know what I wanted to do in the final step.  Was I going to have a water bottle go into the glass, or was I going to do something else entirely?  I wound up starting over, and I started from the end and worked backwards.  This helped me because tipping over a water bottle was one of the hardest parts of the Rube Goldberg project, and starting from that step allowed me to focus and gave me time to get that right.

Rube Goldberg #4 – Setting up Is Annoying

Setting up my Rube Goldberg was probably the hardest part. The domino’s just kept on falling down. Sometimes one part of the Rube Goldberg Machine fell and and set the rest of it off so that meant I had to rebuild it again. Not just that but if one thing was the slightest bit off, the entire project fails. Say for example I have a car that hits a rubik’s cube if the car is angled the wrong way then I have to rebuild everything that happened. The worst part was after I built it my baby sister, Evey, comes in with my brother Charlie’s basketball and the whole scene just gets really messy. What you have in your mind is nowhere close to what actually happens. 

Rube Goldberg #3 – Experimenting With Steps

I decided that sketching the project was going to be hard if I didn’t know what works and what doesn’t, so I made some of the project. Last weekend, I started drafting some of the ideas I had for the project, and I took some photos to give you a sense of what I had in mind.

This was my first step. I used a remote control car to unblock the other car.

Then, the other car hits the Rubik’s cube off the table, pulling the Kleenex box off the xylophone releasing the spoon which hit a marble down a tube.

The marble goes between the coasters and hits a domino which causes all the dominos to fall and hit a ball.

the ball rolls into a car which hits more dominos.

Rube Goldberg #2 – Deciding the Final Step

When I first was told about the Rube Goldberg project, I felt anxious because I had no idea what a Rube Goldberg machine was. Once I found out what a Rube Goldberg machine was, I felt more confident about the project and introduced myself to some inspirational Rube Goldberg videos. We were asked if we wanted to work in a group or individually. I decided to work individually because my schedule is really messed up. When I heard about the Rube Goldberg project, right off I knew what my final step was going to be. My final step was going to be pouring blue cheese on someone’s head when they open the door to my room. That would have been hilarious, but I wanted to stick to something a little simpler. I decided to pour water into a glass.



Rube Goldberg #1 – Getting Started

In Mrs. Edwards’ 5th grade class, Mrs. Edwards decided to have her class: plan, design, and build a Rube Goldberg machine. (A Rube Goldberg machine is a long set of steps that completes a simple task). The Rube Goldberg machine needed a detailed sketch of the child’s planned contraption, eight varied steps, send a clear video and showing the child’s successes and fails.

For my Rube Goldberg machine the first thing I did was research. Here are some links I looked at:

“Sprice” on America’s Got Talent

Goldieblox and Rube Goldberg

OK Go Official Rube Goldberg video

My favorite one is:

These links gave me inspiration. If these people in the videos worked that hard to make a Rube Goldberg project, why couldn’t I?