A book is a portal, each chapter opening up to a new world
It is the process of making words dance upon the page
A book is the soul of the reader, carefully arranged into words
That is what a book is.
A book is a portal, each chapter opening up to a new world
It is the process of making words dance upon the page
A book is the soul of the reader, carefully arranged into words
That is what a book is.
The sea is a football field.
It is a treasure in the moonlight.
It is a dark, dark blue castle.
The sea is a beautiful princess,
and the waves are a tiger with a lions roar.
The sea is liquid glass just shimmering under the sky
It is a giant bath for hot summer days
It is a big maze for the fish down there
It is a star that shimmers in the light
What is the sea?
What Is the Rain?
The Rain is a million bullets, raining down on the cold, hard earth
The Rain is a sad song, sung in a chorus
The Rain is a reminder of everything terrible you have done
The Rain is a colored pencil eraser, draining the color from the world
The rain are tears from the sky, making it miserable for all
Well, this is going to be my first post just saying hi! 🙂 This is going to be fun!