Ignite Presentation Reflection

When it was my turn I had to stand up in front of all those parents I think that my face turned red and I know for a fact that I was sweating like crazy and if I forgot my lines for some reason that made me feel calmer I think it did because nobody else knew my script. I was just beginning to get extremely nervous and then my dad was smiling at me which made me much happier and calmed me down.

American Revoulution #1

I’m most interested about learning more about The Boston Massacre because  I don’t think it’s fair that armed soldiers shot back at people with rocks? If I had a Couple of rocks thrown at me And I had a gun I would not fire back that’s unfair!  I would at least arm them so it was a fair fight and 4 unarmed people were killed!

Colony Reflection

I learned from creating a poster in modern day for something that is old you want it to look like something that was made back then.

What I learned from building the colony is that teamwork is the key to everything and you always after have to keep agreeing or coming up with compromises to make a better colony. The poster connects to my colony because we are the middle colonies and we are the only colony that has big factories and great blacksmiths.