My Birthday

It was the day the was  my birthday that meant that my friend from California was coming over. So I leapt out of bed and dashed down stairs and smelled perfect cream cheese and lock’s bagels. They looked like Bobby Flay made them. It also smelled like it too!


‘’Oh my gosh love them thank you so much,’’ I said leaning over to give my mom a hug.


‘’Oh it was nothing Ajene I just toasted some bagels spread on cream cheese and slapped on locks,’’she said.


‘’Well,” I replied. ‘’It looks and smells much more than that.”


I couldn’t help but eat four bagels a minute. They even tasted like Bobby flay made them. I tried to say thank you to my mom again but I said, “Bankoo!’’ instead because my mouth was full of bagel chunks that I managed to stuff in my mouth.


After that, I was done with my breakfast,my mom and I were going to pick  my friend from the airport. I was holding up a ‘’WELCOME BACK!’’ sign that I made that night. Once we locked eyes she dropped her bags and sprinted past the security check and then she got yelled at by the security check lady because she was running. Then she acted like nothing ever happened and started to run again and hugged me until I couldn’t breath. Later we were in the parking lot slammed the car doors behind us and zoom! We were out to eat some pho (fu Korean noodles with soup.) It’s our tradition that we do whenever Haileys family comes over we have to eat pho!