How Gas ovens work

Today we will be talking about how gas ovens work. We will also be answering one of the most popular questions about how a gas oven works! YOu will also learn one cool fact about gas ovens! I hope you learn a lot!!

In a gas oven the top of the oven will be hotter, if you are baking two cakes and one tray is on the bottom and the other is on the top which one is going to cook faster? The top one! It is important that when you are baking two things and one is on the top and the other is on the bottom your are rotating the pans and having the bottom got to the top midway through its baking time.

When you are looking to buy an oven and you are choosing between a gas oven and an electric oven i would choose gas because it is cheaper to run, it is also better for the environment.

One of the most popular questions asked about gas ovens is which gas oven brand is the best? Good thing I know the answer, the answer is Elica 3 Burners Gas Stove. One cool fact about a gas oven is that they have been around since the 1900’s, isn’t that crazy??!!

It’s time to wrap up our talk about gas ovens, I hope you learned a lot and now know what time of gas oven you need to get!

How different Ovens work

Today you will be reading about how Convectional ovens work. I will also be answering one of the owrlds most asked question about a convectional oven!

Let’s start talking about Convectional ovens and how they work! The dish closest to a heating source in a convectional oven tends to cook the fastest. A convectional oven is different than a thermal oven so unlike a thermal oven, a convectional oven has an ongoing fan that keeps spinning as it is trying to bake your food. You may be wondering why is there a fan blowing if you are trying to get your food hot enough to cook? The answer to that question is that the fan is circulating hot air onto the food instead of around the food so that the food will cook faster. Convection ovens also cook 25 percent faster than other ovens. This is supposed the be the best convectional oven in the world, Breville BOV845BSS Smart Convection Oven. Here is a fun fact convectional ovens are also made into convectional microwaves!

The question I am going to answer is….. When should you NOT use a convectional oven? The answer to the question is with Traditional recipes, unless the recipe called for it or your oven broke maybe that is not the best idea!

I hope you learned a lot about convectional ovens, Bye!

People should be kind because

People should be kind because they want to

People should be kind because they know it is the right thing to do

People should be kind because they want to make a new friend

People should be kind because it will make the earth a better place

People should be kind because they should be kind

Malev post #3

For our Maglev train we put two strip magnets on the top and bottom. And for our track we put two strip magnets on top and bottom. We did not get anything right. We did not get our train to levitate. But after a few more tries we got it to work. I learned that when you don’t get something right the first time try again and maybe you will get it right. We took away the disk magnets from the bottom of the train and took away the strip magnet from the middle. My goal for the next design is to not argue as much  as we did. And to get little beads / Weights on the track and still have the train  “Levitate.”

Maglev Post#2

For our Maglev train we put two strip magnets on the top and bottom. And for our track we put two strip magnets on top and bottom. We did not get anything right. We did not get our train to levitate. But after a few more tries we got it to work. I learned that when you don’t get something right the first time try again and maybe you will get it right. We took away the disk magnets from the bottom of the train and took away the strip magnet from the middle. My goal for the next design is to not argue as much  as we did. And to get little beads / Weights to tay on the track ad still have the train to “Levitate.”


My Expert Book – 3L

In class we have been working on expert books. My topic is about music. I chose this topic because music is my life. I had to put a lot of effort into my book.  What I had to do to create my book was put in pictures , research and write a lot. I enjoyed how it looked at the end, and I had a lot of fun doing it. If you ask me it was challenging. The part that was challenging was inserting pictures and writing. I hope you enjoy my book. ENJOY!