Rube Goldberg Blog Post #1

In my class, Weare doing a project called Rube Goldberg. Rube Goldberg is when you use simple machines and another object that is supposed to get a ball into a cup or something like that. There are six simple machines, A Pulley, Lever, Wheel and Axle, Wedge, Incline plain and, Screw.

I and my group are almost done with our sketch but the hard thing is about working in a group is that if you don’t have one team member there it’s hard to get everything done. I and my group are a little behind but as soon as the building starts I think we can catch up.

I think that this project is gonna be fun but at the same time, it will be a frustrating cause of how many times it will take to get it right. This project is to help with teamwork and knowing that not everything will happen on the first try.

Long Walk To Water

In my class, we read a book called Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park. Me and most of my class really enjoyed this book because it told a story about how kids can be really strong but also about losing family and how to stay strong. This book is taking to people’s stories and putting in one but only one was a true story. The one with the true story is a boy named Salva he lived in southern Sudan, 1985, there was a war where he lives so he had to leave his family he faced a lot of challenges but he got through it. Then the other story about a girl named Nya lived in southern Sudan, 2009, she would have to walk a lot to just get a bucket of clean water. She also went through a lot, but trust me the ending is amazing.

My reflection on this book is that it gave me a lot of different emotions but the part that stuck to me the most is when the kid got on top of his back cause he couldn’t swim but the kid got shot, that kid saved his life. isn’t that something. Also when Salva had been left alone he found he found his uncle and then a few months later some hunters came to his tribe and strapped his uncle to a tree and shot him.

Some good things that happened were that Salva never gave up on himself he missed his family and his uncle but he knows they would want him to push through and that is exactly what he did he pushed and pushed and made it to a safe refuge camp in Canyon.

I think that the author is trying to teach us that people should accept what you have cause some people might not be as lucky as you. A symbol of the book is that you don’t get everything you want. I wouldn’t spoil the ending but this book is probably the best book I’ve ever read. I recommend. This book made me think of how I’m so lucky to go to school to see my parents every day to feel safe and not scared, this book taught me that maybe not everybody has the chance to do that.

Food Fight Madness

Food Fight Madness

By: Greta

Imagine walking into a cafeteria filled with chatter except this one table giving dirty looks well carrots are getting through in the air. This all happened at Heathcote School in mid-October. Only a few kids, 5th graders, were involved. According to Rachel Barr, this all happened because “ Some girl stole the other girl’s seat so the other girl decided to leave the table so then the boys started to follow her.” As a result, the teachers stopped it and it will now always stay in the past

Is There a Fire?

Is there a fire in Heathcote school right in front circle? But the good news is that there wasn’t but also it wasn’t a drill this is how it all started. All of Heathcote was coming in waiting for the bell to ring and … boom the fire alarm went off every kid was scared because there has never been at that school a fire alarm before the bell rings. The music teacher brought outside all the kids. Then one of the kid said ” Its Friday the thirty.” Then everyone got more scared and then the police and a fire truck came and that’s when every one was horrified. But luckily it was a just a drill and someone must of pulled the fire hydrant. But the good thing is that everyone is okay.

Blog post 4/ Launching and graphing rocket 2

Blog post 4


We launched our rockets! Our first rocket went higher than the second one. My group was very disapointed and I was to. But at least it got off the launcher.


My group went first again. This time the parents were watching that also made me more mad because our parents couldn’t see our best work. At least the whole class there rocket off the launcher, that’s a big thing.


After the next day it was time to start graphing our rocket we basicly did the same thing as last time we added our hights together and then divied by 3 whitch got us to 20 then we worked with this special craffing paper and it turns out we got 67 meters. Not to bad.

Blog post 3/ designing and building rocket 2

Blog post 3


We are building our second Rocket. The promblem was that we can only change one thing from  our old rocket, but we are building the rocket from scratch. We decided to make our fin trigal shape instead of parrella.


After we planned out our Rocket it was time to build. Me and one of my team mebers were building the nose cone and one of my other team mebers were doing the fins. 


After we had everything ready it was time to hot glue. First we hot glued the nose cone then the fins and we secured both with tape. As a little decoration we decorated it with black and orange to match hallween.

Blog Post #2- launching and graphing Rocket 1

Rocket Blog Post


We did our launch!!!! It was so much fun. All our rocket went so high. Ours went very high, it went 38 metters. I got to be the launcher and the rocket placer. This is my rocket launch story.


We did our rocket launch on the field, the launcher was made out of a bicycle pump and a pvc pipe. When we got on to the field and we were getting set up for the first launch, which was my group. One of my group mebers was counting down 10 9 8 7 I was so nervous.


3 2 1 the rocket flies up so high at least it looks like it did. Everyone went wow, cause it was our first launch and also we went first but on everyones we all said wow on everyones. 


It was the next day after launching it was time to graph which means that we were gonna find out how high our rocket went next we chose the most reasonable hight and then we graphed it and it turns our rocket went 38 meters and we got second place which ‘m pretty happy about.

1-Design/Build Rocket 1

Rocket blog post


We are building rockets, then we are going to launch them on this special launcher. My favorite part about the designing process was making the inspiration board because we got to add glitter and got to do a lot of fun research like Newton’s three laws, diagrams and pictures of rockets. My team is called the astro rockets, I actullay like that name.


My favorite part about building the rocket is making the fins because it was fun to choose the number of fins and the sizes, I also like to hot glue them on our rocket, I love hot glue!


 We built our rocket in a thick way and we used contruction paper we also used contruction tape so it could be very secured. For our Nose Cone we had to use this special technique and then cover it with tape then hot glue it to the rocket. Then we add our fins with hot glue and also add so tape so it could be extra stable.

Ignite presentation Reflection

We did a Ignite for American Revolution unit, we did in front of parents our parents. One of the things I thought I did well was I din’t mess on my words I was clean well thats what my mom told me. One of the thing I don’t think I did well was in the begining I would talk a good pase than in the middle I go super fast than I would go slow again that really messed my slides.