3 Sentence Summary- Breakout by Kate Messner

In the book, “Breakout” by Kate Messner, Lizzie and Nora are best friends. The name of their town is called, Wolf Creek and It’s a very safe town, until two inmates broke out of the prison located in their town. They’re trying to figure out some clues so they can help on the look-out but meanwhile, a new kid moved into town because her family wanted to get closer to her brother who is in prison.

3 Sentence Summary-The One and Only Ivan

In the book, “The One and Only Ivan,” by Katherine Applegate, Ivan is a gorilla who lives in a domain at the “Exit 8 Big Top Mall,” with some of his animal friends like Stella and Bob. He gets visitors that are all different like kids that spit, throw stuff, and stick their tongues out, but whatever the kids do Ivan just ignores them. He might feel lonely and miss his family sometimes but most of the time he feels safe and tries to move on from the past.