So far, I have written down some baking tips in my notebook, to help me bake blueberry lemon cream tarts. I got some tips from the website The tips that I wrote down are:
Tip #1: Always have the correct butter consistency
Tip #2: Room temperature is KEY
Tip #3: Read the recipe before beginning
Tip #4: Always have ingredients prepped
Tip #5: Learn how to measure
Tip #6: Weigh your ingredients
Tip #7: Get an oven thermometer
Tip #8: Keep your oven door closed
Here are some tips I made up from my experience:
Tip #1: Shake measuring tool – you’ll know if there’s space in the bottom of the measuring tool
Tip #2: Pound pan (muffin pan, cookie pan, etc) to get air bubbles out of the dough
Tip #3: DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN WHILE BAKING – whatever you’re baking will take longer to bake
I am so happy I found baking tips that will hopefully help me bake blueberry lemon cream tarts.
I really like your tips even I might use them for my passion projects.
Thank you! I appreciate the comment!
Measuring is KEY to baking success! That’s a great list of tips! I can’t wait to see photos of your creations 🙂