We started a science unit called Rocketry. We are learning about Rockets. We created one rocket already. It went 90 feet. We are on rocket two now.
My group decided to change the fins on our Rocket. We learned that the fins should have a long length. It affects the drag. We hope that our rocket is successful.
Our teacher said that we could only change one thing about our rocket. The thing we would change about our rocket was our fins. We expanded the fins and leveled them higher.
I think we did pretty well on collaboration. We all had a part in the rocket, and no one was not included. I think the only challenging part of the building is the building. It wasn’t that hard because we had great collaboration together!
Overall I enjoyed the process of creating our rocket. I really hope that we will have a third launch! I am excited about what place we might get on the class leaderboard.