Expert Lecture #7: Greg

I was so excited when my teacher told us that we had a seventh expert lecture. But I also wondered who would be coming in and what they would be talking about? That was when my teacher that someone from Google, Greg, was coming in. I was so excited because I already knew that it would be great. And it turned out to be better than great. It was awesome.

Greg talked about his job at Google. He told us that he is a software engineer. He does computer science. He has previously worked on Google Classroom. Google Classroom is an educational program for teachers to work with in class. Greg told us that there is a 20% time where people that work at Google can take a break from their jobs and work on whatever they want to. One example of what they can work on is a new program. What he means is that you can work on a new program, then you can get Google to build up on it. There are a lot of cool projects there.

The projects aren’t the only cool thing there. They have a big slide, chefs, masseuses, a secret library, and an x-box. But that is not why he works at Google. He works at Google because that is what he likes to do.

Greg told us all that you should do what you like to do. And I think that is important because what is the point of doing one thing when you don’t put all of your effort into that job? Google maybe cool but do what you enjoy.