Tag Archives: Rose

The Mad Nap

Clare had a play date with one of her best friends, Rose. Clare didn’t know if Rose was coming to her house or if Clare was going to Rose’s house.They found out they are going to Clare’s house. Clare has a big sister May. May had to go to Hebrew School so they went. Why can’t we stay home alone? Clare thought, “We probably could just stay in my room!” Clare can fall asleep easily. The Hebrew School is so close by so Clare figures it was too close a ride for Clare to fall asleep. But, Clare does fall asleep!! Rose was mad and a little sad because Clare was asleep! Rose was so bored!

Clare woke up when she got home. Rose was so mad at Clare. She would not talk to Clare until the play date was over. Clare tried and tried to make Rose laugh, it was hard. Clare felt so sorry. Clare’s mom and Clare brought Rose back home. Rose and Clare fell asleep in the car. Rose’s mom was mad because she had to carry Rose into the house. The girls said, “We got to have a sleepover!”

They never had a play date or sleepover for the rest of the school year.

After the summer, they remembered the play date. They had another play date. Flashback! Long story short, it happened again!!


The End