Immigration Project #4

For the final blog post of this project I think I did pretty well overall. There were some challenges overall but not much. The hardest thing was to make the script. I have no idea why it was hard but it just was for a lot of people in my class. For my final video I think I did pretty well. What was actually surprised with myself was that I talked really curly. What I did not know about until I already downloaded it was that you could really hear all the background noise. And think it really took away from the video.

If I could change something I would obviously change is all the background noise. But I would also change the pictures some pictures I found right away and I thought they were pretty good but now that I think about it there were probably some better pictures I could have found. I would also change how long some slides were. I got pretty boring it your looking at a picture for 10 seconds.


Immigration Project #3

My for spark video a video making app some things were hard and some things were easy. For example one of the easy things was adding text and pictures from the site. I think it was easy because before we started the project we went to the computer lab and there we learned how to do those to things. But was hard was adding pictures from google to spark. What I had to do was that I had to ask the class technician how to do it. What was also hard was to make a script. I actually don’t know why it was hard. All I know is that a lot of people in my class had trouble with it to.

I learned from this process of putting together a spark video slideshow and making it show someones story is things take time. I thought that I had nothing left to do so I left it for the last minute and it ended up taking me a while. And now I never underestimate the time things take.


Immigration Project #2

I interviewed my mom Celina. I recorded her on my phone. I think that it went fine. What really surprised me that I had not known about my mom was that when I asked her “Did it feel weird not to talk in portuguese?” She responded with saying “I was very lucky that when I moved here I already spoke English so I was very very fortunate that I felt comfortable with the English langue” I was surprised that she already spoke English. I did not know that I thought that she had to learn English here.

But as you would think there were some things I already knew. For example when I asked my mom “What foods do you like more?” in the back of my head I was thinking Brazilian foods obviously. And guess what she said “I love Brazilian food.” I think that because I knew most of what my mom was going to say kind of took a little bit away from the experience but it was not all that bad. I still had a lot of fun interviewing my mom.


Immigration Project #1

So for the next few weeks my class had to interview an immigrant. You could interview anyone that lived in another country that now lives here right now. You also had to make questions for that person. I chose my mom. I think it was a easy choice because first she could help me with the questions and make sure she could answer them. Also because I can interview her anytime I want.

Again it was easy to pick who I was going to interview but making the questions were pretty hard. I think it was hard because you had to have 10 – 15 questions. But my teacher (Mrs. Cooper) gave us a paper to get ideas off of. Unfortunately I did the questions before she gave us the paper so I spent like 30 – 40 minutes trying to make questions when the next day I revised them all. I think that’s why it was really had for me. But when I revised my questions it was much easier. I think that interviewing my mom really brought me closer to her because I’m learning about all these things she did and or had to do that I had no idea about.