Swift Playgrounds: Answers

In the second program, I tried to copy in examples because it was easier than writing it all out again but I went through many errors. My questions were about chocolate and vanilla desserts, which one was better? What was your favorite dessert for that one? And more. I had to make sure that my first code had no errors whatsoever because my other codes were built off of that. If I had an error in my first code, I would have to change it in all. It sounds hard and tiring but it is really fun because you get to break down steps and see what each of them do. This project was really fun and interesting, it was also our first time coding with our own words and not ones that have already been written for us. Below is a picture with my code!

Learn To Code 1

This week, I worked on the commands section and the function sections on the coding app, Swift Playgrounds. It was hard to realize what step I was doing, I didn’t know that I could press turn right twice to just turn around! These steps helped because they made the code easier. It helped when I drew out the steps on Notability because it was breaking it down.

Swift Playgrounds 1


Byte moves 1 step forward.

Byte turns left

Byte takes 2 steps forward

Byte toggles switch

Byte takes four steps forward

Byte collects gem

    It was hard to figure out that you had to take a step forward before collecting the gem. Before, I would press “collect gem” thinking that it would take a step by itself. This may sound easy to figure out but it took me some time. This new app “Swift Playgrounds” is so fun!

Swift Playgrounds 1

I find that the programmers job is really cool because they are creating solutions to our problems. It’s exciting to come home and be like, “I want to make an app.” Coding helps fix and do things because it is like giving orders. For instance, when a code says, “MoveForward()” you are making it walk. Kiera says that before she coded, she watched beginner videos and it wasn’t that hard. This helps because she is showing her steps. Kiera got a letter from President Obama, I think that I should take her advice.

Tynker Project – Music Video

I liked a music project by Aidan C. because it was upbeat and fun. I liked that they were all jumping around and enjoying themselves. I tried to make my actors jumped but it wouldn’t work and was hard. I think it was really cool that this person was able to do this animation. I can’t hear the soundtrack but based on what I see going on, I think that the sound would be upbeat and happy. Overall, I liked this project because it was showing cool actors having fun!