

Capstone 4 (Site visit)


Categories: Capstone


For the Capstone project we had to visit a place that was related to our topic. After the Interview I did, the person I interviewed set me up to go to a place in New York City where they were filming a show. I was really excited to visit the place where a real TV show is being filmed because I had never done anything like that ever. I knew that I would eventually have my site visit but I wasn’t exactly sure when I would have it. Then after many text messages and emails my mom and figured out that we would visit the set on May 29th. I got really lucky because May 29th is my birthday and I get to skip school on my birthday. Finally the day of the site visit came and my mom and I drove down to the city. When we got there we met up with Kaylani who was going to show us around the set. First she showed me the vans that the actors stay in while they wait for them to be called to be filmed. Then after that she showed me inside and she explained that we had to be quiet when someone screamed action because that meant that a scene was being shot. I got to see a really scene that will show up on TV. It was so cool. Then after that Kaylani peeked into one of the vans and out came the lead actor came out!! I was so surprised when Case Walker came out,  He has 3 Million followers on musically. He was so nice. When he walked out, he gave me a man hug and then started chatting with me, It was so cool!! After my talk with Case Walker, it was time for us to go home. Overall I had a absolute blast and it would be awesome to do something like that again. Here is a link about the show I saw them film. The Other Two. : https://deadline.com/2017/10/comedy-central-new-series-the-other-two- 


Bye 🙂


Capstone 3 (Interview)


Categories: Capstone


For our Capstone project we all had to find someone to interview so that we could get more information from an expert. For a lot of people finding an interview was very hard, but for me it was quite simple because the second I told my mom that I wanted to do Sitcom production as my topic, she said that she knew someone from college who produced TV shows. It was perfect.  As my interview grew closer, Ms. Edwards said that we needed to come up with interview questions. Interview questions! I thought that we would just ask him our sub questions. Then I started to make my 10 interview questions. On the day before my interview, Ms. Edwards said that you should record your interview. I didn’t know what I would record my interview on. All of the laptops and computers in my house don’t have cameras, so that didn’t work, and when I tried to use a screen recorder on the my phone, the Microphone didn’t work. After many struggles I finally came up with a solution, I would talk to the person I was interviewing on my home phone, and record everything with my cell phone. On the day of the interview I was nervous because I thought that the recording might not work. Then I would get no information and have to find another time to do the interview and that is hard because the person that I was interviewing is always very busy. Then finally, the interview started. When the Interview was done. I quickly made sure that the recording worked. I was so scared would it work or would it not work. Luckily the recording worked an I got loads of information. Overall the whole interview helped my project a lot and I am thankful the the person I was interviewing was using his time to help me with my project.

Bye 🙂


Ellis Island Trip


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Our class went on a field trip to Ellis island. Ellis island is a place where immigrants from Europe would be sent through around 1900.  Its history is incredible and we were lucky enough to be able to go there. The whole trip was inspired by our immigration unit that we had done earlier in the year. My whole class already knew a lot about immigration and the Ellis Island process but we were still psyched to actually go there. The trip took one whole day and here is my experience on it.

We all had to be at our school’s front circle at 7am. I was not happy with this because then you have to wake up early so that you won’t be late. When everyone arrived at the buses, Ms. Edwards split us into groups with a chaperone. When we got on the buses we were all starting to settle down because we were all going to have to be on the bus for an hour and a half. Then when we finally got the the dock where we would board the ferry, we were all told to stick next to our chaperones at all times so that we would not get lost. Then our chaperone gave us our ticket as we went through the security checks. After that we waited for the ferry to come that would take us to the island. When we got on the ferry someone said that the ride would be about 15 minuets. The I thought, oh that not that bad. I was starting to feel a little sick on the boat since we were sitting on the top of the boat. Then we finally made to Ellis Island. A few more minuets and I would have vomited. Then we we got off I heard someone say,” The boat ride back will be 45 minuets.” I was nervous. Then we had a little snack and talked. After that we walked into Ellis Island and a man was there to give us a tour. Then he walked all around and talked about Ellis Island. When the tour was over WE got to explore with our chaperone, it was a museum. Then we watched a movie about Ellis Island, It was really cool. The we sat and had lunch right next to the water. After that we had to try to find one of our relatives that had traveled through Ellis Island. I found my Great Grandparents! Then it was time to head back. Then somehow we missed the ferry that would take us back, but some kids and there chaperone were on that boat. Then we boarded the next boat and we didn’t sit on the top and I felt fine. Then we took the bus back home and that was It.

Overall this trip was really cool and entertaining. I would definitely go back with my family one time. This Trip was really special to us fifth graders because the is the last field trip that we will have in elementary school.

Bye 🙂



5th Grade Field Trip (Pollo a la Brasa Misti Restaurant)

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My 5th grade class went to a restaurant called Pollo a la Brasa Misti Restaurant. The food was super duper good and if I could I would definitely go again. Senor Johnson organized the trip, he taught us loads of Spanish before the trip. I feel like I could go to a Spanish speaking country and talk with everyone. The restaurant was a Peruvian restaurant, that means the food that is cooked their is cultured from Peru. My favorite dish that was served was the Lomo Saltado because there was steak, rice, and french fries in the dish and those are all some of my favorite foods so when they were all combined it tasted liked like heaven. We were also served a drink called Chicha Morada, I did not like it. I was too bitter for me and I just stuck with water. It was was cool because all of the the waiters and waitress’s spoke Spanish so we spoke to them in Spanish too. It was so fun. Overall the whole trip was a blast. A special thanks to the PTA and Senor Johnson for making the trip possible.



Capstone #2 (Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions


Categories: Capstone


The second part for our capstone progress was to think of our Main Inquiry question along with our Sub questions. At first I thought that this would be a piece of cake because we just had to think of a question that related to our topic and questions that supported our our main question. Though I was wrong, the question had to be really precise and it had to be a question that really had the people watching thinking. Ms. Edwards gave us a sheet to help us think about what to make as our Main Inquiry question. That sheet didn’t help me, it made me think too much and then I just started to trail away and I couldn’t think of anything. When I went home I started to think, and think, and think. Then I finally came up with my Main Inquiry question. What are the chief elements that affect the production of a TV sitcom? Then I Thought of my Sub questions, here they are:                                                                                                                                      How are single camera films and multi camera films different?
How are the right actors selected for the part?
How is a sitcom really made funny?
How is the audience kept entertained throughout the film?
How is a sitcom edited?

Bye 🙂


Where I’m From

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When Ms. Edwards said that our poems we would write for poetry month would be called “Where I’m from” poems I instantly thought we would talk about the simple things in your life like, where you live, and how many family members do you have. I was wrong She explained to us how for the where I’m from poems you need to write about where your really from like the things in your life. I didn’t really know what to think of where I’m from poems, but I thought I would have to dig way down deep in to me. Luckily Ms. Edwards gave us an organizer to help us figure out what will will write about and to make our poem better. After our first draft was due for our poem we got to give our poem to other classmates so that they could read and tell me things that I did bad and good in for my poem. After a few more days of editing the process was over. I had my poem! From this experience I learned how to really dig down into yourself.


Don’t forget to watch the Video!! 🙂


Capstone #1 (Choosing a Topic)


Categories: 5th Grade, Capstone, Social Studies, Tags:


My teacher Ms. Edwards announced a project to us called “Capstone.” Apparently this is the most important project in the 5th grade. She explained to us that for the rest of the year we will be doing Capstone. I was surprised; I thought that Capstone would only last something like 3 weeks but I was wrong. Then Ms. Edwards handed us out a calendar of all of the due dates along with all of the requirements. I knew we would have to do a lot to make this project good including to visiting the site of the location for the topic we would chose and getting a interview with an expert on your topic. Ms. Edwards then told us that we had to actually pick a topic we would be researching on. I had no clue what to chose.

What could I chose? At first I thought, I know so much about sports, why don’t I just do something I know so much about. Then I realized that Ms. Edwards had told us to do something that we didn’t know that much about. Then it came to me. Acting. I got pretty ticked when I realized that acting would be too broad of a topic. I thought really thought the rest of that day. Finally when the final bell was about to ring it came to me for real. Instead of acting I could go behind the scenes and and have my project on TV production. It was perfect. I ran home that day and told my mom about my my Capstone idea, she told me that she knew someone who was a producer. Everything was set, I had my project ready for Ms. Edwards’s approval.

When I went into school a few days later I realized that today was the day I would meet with Ms.Edwards. Later in the day Ms. Edwards called me over to her desk to discuss what topic I would chose. I told her that I wanted to do TV production. She showed me a video about TV production and I said I was interested. Then she told me that my topic was fine and she let me off. Next step. Main inquiry question.

Bye!! 🙂


Coding 4

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I have seen other people make these games and I was really into it. The game I made is called a platformer. In a platformer you need to move the character above obstacles and the goal is to get to the end of the level. I had fun playing this game so I think that you will have fun playing too. Use the arrow keys to move. Enjoy!! 🙂


Coding 3


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This project was really fun to make because I was randomly Thinking of Christmas so I decided to make a Christmas pong game. I thought a normal pong game would be too boring so I decided top make it multiplayer. The goal of the game is to keep the presents off of the red. The first player to 10 hits wins. You play by Using the right and left arrow keys and using the a and d key. It is really fun and great for holiday fun!! 🙂

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