All posts by gmiller24

Rube Goldburg #3

Grant and I met again.  This time we worked backwards and go up to the golf ball falling on the lever. We had trouble getting all of the materials. When we got all of them, we still had a very hard time getting the golf ball to stay. What we did was we put a small track behind the ball so it won’t roll off. The golf ball also wasn’t hitting the shovel so what we did was we made the shovel wider by taping two planks of wood on either side next to it. Then we were almost done with our Rube Goldberg.

Rube Goldberg #2

Grant and I started to work on our machine. We decided to work on it backwards so we started with the phone on a lever, then we did the box dominos and the ramp. We had a lot of trouble getting the car to hit the box in the right space. If we hit it too low it will fall backward. If we put the ramp too high the car won’t have enough speed to go up the ramp. So, what we did was we elevated the whole entire track until it was high up and it did have enough speed.

Martin Luther King jr.

This is my timeline of MLK jr. MLK -16lorqd

Has the I have have a dream speech been realized yes, yes it has. Now there is no slavery justice and equal right for white and black people.Since now there is no segregation in America I think that his speech has been realized.

In the 1950’s and 1960,s when there were colored bathrooms, water fountains, and schools. Martain was upset and he thought it was unfair. So wanted to put an end to segregation so he started protesting agents people who were pro-segregation and boycotting buses because of the kicked black people of the bus if white people wanted to go on. During some protests, when fireman and police got involved the fireman would spray black people with water from their hose which is wrong. I am very happy Martin Luther King Jr. ended black people having no rights.

People who were black were treating differently. So MLK, jr. was treated differently too. As a child he couldn’t go to some places so he got mad so then he started protesting and he made a speech so then he finally ended segregation An example of people being treated unfairly is, they used to shoot black people instead of putting them in jail. If a white person did the same thing the would be arrested not shot.  MLK jr. put an end to it.

MLK, jr. definitely put an end to Segregation. Sadly he got assassinated in 1968 by James earl Ray. Now everyone has equal rights so his speech has been realized.

Rube Goldberg # 1

Today on 1/7/17 we did our sketch. First, we have a car go down a ramp that is taped to the wall, then it will hit a train which will roll down a track and hit a long stick or piece of bamboo. The stick or bamboo will push a golf ball that is going to fall on a lever with a small cardboard piece attached to it. It will flick up and hit a tennis ball which will roll and hit a small wooden plank. That will push the car which will roll down a track which will hit big dominos. The boxes will it hit a lever which will flip a coin and it will land on heads.

Should Schools Teach Cursive

No it don’t think it is a good idea because when will need to use cursive in life. when you are in school you learn print and to type. Cursive is like another written language and technology is getting more advanced so mostly people are typing. In addition if you wanted us to learn Cursive you should of taught it to us in kindergarten because now we are used to print. That is why I think it is utterly useless to learn cursive.

Animal cloning

When people clone animals sometimes pets some people think it is right some people think it is wrong. In this blog post you will figure out my reason why.

I think it is right on some conditions. If the owners want to clone the animal, The animal is dead and the owners are risking money. I think that because The owners have to agree if they don’t that will brake the law. The animal should be dead because there will be side affects. The owners also have to agree if they want to risk money because it might not work.

Rocketry Presentation

We just finished our rocketry unit in school we launched built graphed and reflected on our rocket at the end we had to present a slideshow that is the end of the whole unit.

On December 5th we did our Rocketry Presentations. At first I was nervous, then I watched all of the groups go and suddenly my tension grew smaller, I became less nervous but I was still shaking. Then it was our turn, Then my tension grew again. When we started it felt completely normal and I was not worrying one bit and it all went very smoothly before I knew it we were done.

Native americans protect land because of pipeline

The nation wants to build a pipe line it might do good but will it be good for the environment.

I think that is is a good idea to build a pipeline for the nation. On one hand it will be great for the economy. In addition it will be safer and faster.

On the other hand it is bad because it will hurt the environment and and it will take away peoples property and that is why people are protesting.

I think that it is a fair deal it is safe and and it is faster even though it is not good for the environment.

Peter in Pax

One of my favorite characters in Pax is Peter. He has a very interesting character traits, he doesn’t want to be like his father. I know that because when he gets mad he try’s to calm himself down unlike his father and he try’s to avoid getting super mad. I know that he is like his father because hi grandfather said “our apples don’t fall far from the tree.” That means everyone in the family is pretty similar. That is why Peter is a very interesting character.