Google’s Very Best

What do you think 2o% Time is… 20% time is not exactly 20% Time it’s just where we have some time in the day to work on an arcade used with classroom materials and a 3D printers. We got the name from google. My teacher knows that the google workers get 20% time because she visited the office of Google. Right now I am working on a game with my friend Julia. We were going to make a game that you use balls to throw…

Not a Recipe to Success

This is not for school but it’s sort of fun to write. Scroll down to get “Help” on making homemade ice cream. I am going to teach you how to make ice cream, First get those easy ice cream maker seen on TV (I forgot the name of it) then you get cool whip (Which I hate) and other ingredients that I forgot and you shake the easy ice cream maker for 3 minutes and you have ice cream. If you like chocolate ice cream I’m…

Happy Like Soccer by Maribeth Boelts

The title of the story fits the book very much because in the beginning of the story it has these few words in capital letters: NOTHING MAKES ME HAPPY LIKE SOCCER. Happy Like Soccer is the title of the book and also one of the first words in the whole story. She enjoys soccer very much and it’s one of the only things she is happy about that’s how the story fits the title. She comes to every practice and plays very hard. Happy Like…

The Wizard Of Oz Epilogue

In my class we just finished The Wizard Of Oz. The challenge was to make an Epilogue (An Ending) that I personally loved to write. Scroll down to see what I came up with: A couple of months passed…   Dorothy missed her new friends very much. She had wished to see them just one more time. Then Dorothy remembered she had received a very generous gift from Oz himself. One wish. He said it could be anything she wanted. Oz told Dorothy she must…

Heathcote Arcade

My class is creating a fun project.It’s called the Heathcote Arcade. We are making fun games out of cardboard and other class materials such as glue sticks,highlighters,duct tape,sharpies stickers,paper,our school makerspace made by my teacher and post-its.What I have been working on is a scratch off tickets with some of my friends. If you get three in a row on the scratch off you get a suprizer which is a envelope with a note some of them say things like you win 10 tickets.    

Rockery Launch # 2

I am in the group “The Rainbow Rockids”.This group is part of rocketry unit.We started out in our 1 launch using 6 small wings.I was not there because I had something going on but I heard it went really bad.For example,the wings fell off and it went really low without water.So for the 2 launch we used 6 different wings.3 of the wings were the same,the others different.There was a really big difference in height.For the 1 launch the averages are 10 and 15.5 Meters.For…

Passion Project

If I would write anything that I’m passionate about it would probably be about lego friends.I would choose lego friends because I love doing them and they make you focus on little details and they make up time if your bored. I started using lego friends at my friends house.If you don’t know what lego friends are I will tell you “Lego friends are made by the lego company and are a huge success.They are usually bought by girls.(including me).Evan a young girl would buy…