
In class we are reading Stargirl. It is a very interesting. It is about a girl named Stargirl. Stargirl isn’t afraid to be herself. Instead, she dresses differently than others, sings in the lunch room, and is herself. Some people think different is a bad thing to be. It isn’t. I am actually jealous of people who can be themselves wherever they are. I can be myself at home and sometimes at camp, but otherwise it is harder for me than I would like it to be. Stargirl is a very inspiring book. It is teaching me that no matter what other people think, I can be myself, and so can anyone who believes in his/herself.

Colonial America – pt 2 – Persona

In class we are doing Colonial America. I am a doctor named Dayna Bone. I am 19 years old and now, an only child. Growing up my parents thought that they should slap my wrists when I did bad things. I needed to bandage my bruises from being hit, that is how I learned about medical things. I tried to stay out of the house as much as possible. When I left the house I would work with sick people and learn methods doctors use. As you could probably tell, I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. One day I came home to my parents very angry and upset. My 2 year old brother, David, who got ALL of the attention, had just passed away from Scarlet Fever. Of course my parents blamed me. They thought I had to have given it to poor David since I was always with sick people. I hadn’t done anything. I never worked with anyone who had Scarlet Fever.

When I was home, I would play with my dog. My parents hated all animals so when I found an adorable stray puppy I hid it in a box behind the sink, this was a place my parents rarely went. I decided to name my dog Lady. I named her after an old women that I met while working one day. She didn’t tell me her real name, when I asked she said “Call me Lady” I thought it seemed rude but she was happy with it, so that’s what I called her. The next time I went to visit her she wasn’t there. As I left a young man told me that she was his grandma and she went back home. That was the end of Lady.

When I heard that a boat was leaving England I signed up right away. I needed to get far away from my family. Although England will always be home, starting a new colony seemed much more exciting. I mean, England was so boring. Nothing exciting ever happened. I can’t wait to know what life in the new colony will be like! In my colony I think that my doctor skills will really pay off. People always get Scarlet Fever, Yellow Fever and many other contagious diseases. Being a doctor in a colony would also be fun. I get to help people, which I’ve always wanted to do.

Colonial America – pt 1 – Overview

In class we are doing a project on Colonial America. Our teacher is letting us lead the project. She isn’t telling us what to do, instead she is guiding us. We are separated into groups of 7 or 8. It is hard to be in groups with so many people. Sometimes we struggle with agreeing on everything. In each group we have our own jobs, I am a doctor. In my colony we have a trader, a farmer, a cartographer, a governor, a governor’s apprentice, a child and a blacksmith. After doing research on our jobs we will build a colony. My colony is in the Middle colonies. We have four seasons because we are near New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Our colony is called New Foursten. I can’t wait to build our colony!