Welcome to my world…

Published on: Author: slipez 1 Comment

My name is Sydney Lipez, and I am a fifth grade teacher. It took me well into adulthood to figure out what I was “supposed to do,” but I can’t imagine doing anything else. Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows I love Sriracha and Broadway. I eat very little without Sriracha, and most of my free time is spent at shows, or talking about them. My current Broadway obsession is, like everyone’s, Hamilton. I’ve been lucky to see it more times than any human being should be allowed to.

I grew up in the Berkshires, which I did not appreciate nearly enough. Now, I love going back to visit friends and family, and soaking up the incredible scenery. I’m no fan of winter, but give me that fall foliage any time!

Aside from theatre, I love reading, traveling and learning about other cultures. I enjoy wandering around New York City, spending time with friends and family, and photography.



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