4th Grade Reflection

In 4th grade I did many things. For example some projects that we did were colonial times, passion project, extreme weather project, toy theater and ecosystems project. My favorite one was the passion project because you get to pick any topic you want! The topic that I picked is Arctic Animals. I also loved the toy theater because it’s so fun to make the puppets and make the background.  We also did some great read aloud books. For example Book Scavenger and Blood on the River. Book Scavenger is a book about looking for Mr.Griswolds game. And Blood on the River is a book about what live was in colonial times. I really loved Blood on the River because it’s so interesting how the people were treated at that time and how people treated each other. Another read aloud that we did was The Tiger Rising. The Tiger Rising was about Rob the new kid at a new school that meets a girl name Siseten and they become friends.   

In 4th grade had subjects like math, science, reading/writing and social studies. My favorite subject is math. This is because math fun when you get to work with a partner and when you to work in your math folder. I also really like math because of the feeling that you get when you get a really hard question.

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