Passion Project #3

I tried to hydro dip for the first time and I think it went pretty good. It was hard because I didn’t know to dip it but the paint still stuck to it. Some things that I need to work on is the amount of time I spend on picking the item up before I dip it and also where I should spray the paint. Overall I think it went well and to get better at it I should practice more and watch videos about it.

Here is a picture of my new phone case:

Technology #2

For the past few days we’ve been learning about atoms. Atoms are in every living thing. Atoms are made up of three things electrons, neutrons and protons. To be able to see the atoms in a grapefruit it would have to be the size of the earth. That’s so big! So far that’s what has been going on in technology.

Passion Project #2

For my passion project I am doing hydro dipping. Here are some answers to questions about my topic.

  1. What will you learn and make? I will learn how to hydro dip correctly and I will hydro phone cases with the information I learn on how to hydro dip.
  2. Why do you want to learn and make this? I want to do hydro dipping because I‘ve seen people do it before but I haven’t done it so I want to learn how to do something new.
  3. How will you learn and make this? I will watch videos about hydro dipping and learn how to do it correctly.
  4. What will success look like to you? It will looked like a perfectly dipped phone case without a mistake.

Technology #1

In technology my new quarterly for school we did something called breakout edu. Breakout edu is sort of like an escape the room. There were clues around the room we had to find to help open the locks on a box. The box was filled with the safety googles that were “stolen” from the cabinet. So if we didn’t open the box we “wouldn’t be able to use the tools” because we need the googles for eye protection.

Passion Project #1

For my passion project I want to do hydro dipping. Hydro dipping is when you fill a bucket with water and spray it with different colors of spray paint, and then dip an item in the bucket and then the spray paint sticks to the item and creates a cool design.  I want to do this because I have always been interested in the science behind it.  Also I think that its cool to make something look better without having to buy a new product.

Capstone #6

I did a ted talk for my presentation. I’m in a really good spot I finished my script and I’m almost done memorizing it, and I also finished my slideshow. I’ve practiced my script so many times that I think it will go smoothly when I get filmed. Every time I present I get better with my script and when I presented the first time I actually knew my script really well. When I presented to my class my classmates gave me good feedback so my presentation got better and better.

Here is my slideshow:

Capstone #5

My main inquiry question is how do Apple products change peoples priorities? Apple products have changed peoples priorities in both good and bad ways. Apple products have changed peoples priorities in good ways because new technology allows them to do things more efficiently. An iphone can last up to 5 years as long it is up to date on iOS. Apple products have changed peoples priorities in bad ways because the iphone xr has the longest lasting battery, people can use social media and text a lot more. This results in iphone addiction. Addiction can lead to people buying expensive Apple products when they really don’t need them.


In our science groups today we mixed four different things, they were vinegar, water, oil and colored sugar. The main idea for all of the experiments were mixtures and solutions.

The first experiment that my group did was oil and colored sugar. My hypothesis for that was: if we mix the colored sugar with oil then the oil will turn a little red and some of the sugar will dissolve. My hypothesis was wrong the oil turned a little red but the sugar didn’t dissolve it just stuck together. In this experiment the oil was the solvent and the colored sugar was the solute.

The second experiment that my group did was vinegar and colored sugar. My hypothesis for that was: if we mix the vinegar and the colored sugar then the colored sugar will dissolve and the vinegar will turn red. My hypothesis was correct the vinegar turned red and the sugar dissolved. In this experiment the vinegar was the solvent and the colored sugar was the solute.

The last experiment that my group did was water and colored sugar. My hypothesis for that was the sugar would dissolve and water would turn red. My hypothesis was mostly correct the water turned red but only some of the sugar dissolved. In this experiment the water was the solvent and the colored sugar was the solute.

Capstone #4

For Capstone I’m researching Apple. For Capstone I have to do a site visit. For the site visit I went to an Apple Store. When I went to the Apple Store I looked around at all of the devices, such as the iphones, computers, and ipads. I also looked at iphone cases, the different colors on the back of the iphones, and the headphones lined up on the wall, which were all different colors. There were a lot of people at the store, which showed me that the devices are popular. The products were not in glass boxes so people were free to use them as samples. This was a good idea because Apple was advertising their products. Overall the experience was okay because I’ve already been to an Apple Store many times before I went for my site visit.

Capstone #3

For capstone I’m researching Apple and I have to do a site visit and an interview. I interviewed an Apple Creative, named Francesca. An Apple Creative teaches lessons to people on how to use an iphone. Francesca was able to answer most of my subtopic questions, but I also changed the wording in some of the questions because I wanted them to make more sense for her. For example one of my subtopic questions is why do people buy Apple products over other brands. I changed the wording and I asked are apple products better than samsung products? Instead of why do people buy Apple products over other brands? She said apple products are better because you get the one-on-one connection with the apple employee who is helping you choose your device, and you can sample the device because it’s on display in the store. Also because Apple doesn’t come out with a device until everything about it is perfected. That’s why Apple comes out with a phone only once a year. Overall my interview was very good because I learned a lot of new facts about Apple.