Author Archives: achu27

awesome sister!

 Have you ever had a cool sister? Well… this is what a cool sister is! I am grateful for my sister because she lets me pick what I want to eat, she lets me sleep on her bed when I am sad, and she lets me play on her phone when I am angry. The first reason l am grateful for my sister is because sometimes she make yummy food like scrambled eggs, and she lets me pick what I want to eat. Another reason I am thankful for my sister is she let’s me sleep on her bed when I am sad, and she even lets me pick a stuffed animal. The third reason I am thankful for my sister is that she lets me play on her phone. She also lets me pick games that I’m really into. My sister is very special to me. She even makes me presents on my birthday, like cool artwork, it was a sunset. It was awesome! 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        THE END                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       



Awesome sister!!!!!!!!!!!!

Percy Jackson – Greek Gods

    Hi, i will tell you all about Greek gods. The author tells you all about Greek gods. For example, the author tells you storys about Greek gods, and tells you what they can do. Like Demeter,  she’s  goddess of plants. And Hades, he’s god of the under world. Nexted god/goddess is Apollo, he is god of the sun. Hades and Demeter both has the same dad and mom. Apollo has a different mom and dad. Apollos dad is the king of all gods.


Awesome cursive letters!

cursive letters are different than words that people always use for writing. Cursive letters are something that is like this hello. I love cursive letters cause they are super fun! I tried cursive letters and it was a little bit hard. After  learned a lot of cursive letters, I got super good at it. I love cursive letters because they look super good! And soon i will get even better at it. When I had know idea how to do it, i always messed up on it. Sometimes I got the word too big and sometimes I got it too small. After i get super good on it, i will teach everybody! When you do cursive letters, you have to get it neat. Cause if you don’t get it neat, it will look super weird. I write it slowly so i don’t mess up on my cursive letters. If you just start doing cursive letters,you would not want to write it to fast cause you will mess up on  it. When you are super good at it you will be fast at it. Thank you for reading my blog!