Capstone #2: Choosing a main inquiry question and choosing sub questions

For the second part of my capstone project, I have to choose a main inquiry question and five sub questions. My main inquiry question is how are robots revolutionizing the field of medicine? I chose that because I want to research about things like how robots change the world of medicine. Surgery is medicine. But robotic surgery is a whole another level. There are many different types of surgery but robotic surgery is unique. I’m interested in things like that because I want to know about how robots give surgery. 

Here are my sub questions.

Sub question #1: What is robotic surgery?

Sub question #2: Is robotic surgery safe?

Sub question #3: What are the pros and cons of robotic surgery?

Sub question #4: How does robotic surgery compare to traditional methods?

Sub question #5: How is robotic surgery improving from the past?


One thought on “Capstone #2: Choosing a main inquiry question and choosing sub questions

  1. Have you ever learned a new word, then suddenly find yourself running across it everywhere? Ever since we sat down to discuss your topic, I’ve encountered “nano” surgery several times. Robot surgery is already here and it’s so exciting! Wow! I guess in the not so distant future people will just think of it as a standard method.

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